Sticky Sweet

The Funny To Counteract The Crappy

Does anyone else hear songs at inappropriate times in their heads? This doesn't happen to me often, but yesterday, I was sitting down to dinner with my family, and my aunt was telling some sort of story ( Have no idea what it was) and about the time, I was asked to pass my plate, I realized that a song had been bouncing around in my head for quite some time, but I had no clue for how long, or how it got in there. There was also a pretty funny visual bouncing around in there. I literally burst out laughing in the middle of my aunt talking. I quickly covered my mouth and looked away from everyone (to help calm down) but the absurdity of what I was seeing made it even worse. The worst part was I was laughing too hard to telling anyone what I was seeing, so they had to sit there dumbfounded until I could breathe enough to tell them.

What happened you ask? The song that was going around in my head was "She Works Hard for the Money" and the visual I was getting was a pair of 'flash dance legs' just dancing around in my head. Why I dreamed that up, I'll never know. But it was definately entertaining.

I didn't feel as bad when I told what happened, as I had before I explained. Though I did crack up again right in the middle of telling it, leaving the family to decipher what I was trying to say. Luckily, my equally absurd friend Michelle is married to my cousin, and she knew what I was telling them. She repeated before cracking up as well.


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