Sticky Sweet


I'm missing Apple Day as we speak. In the words of Lucy....Waaaahhhh.

I'm also in the middle of a cleaning spree. This time the easy clean ups simply won't do. So, in celebration of procrastination, it's time for another edition of:

Opening the Spam Mailbag

On the job front, my spam tells me I could:

-Own my own dollar store

-Get paid to eat and shop
-Split a profitable business with someone named 'Kal'
-Get paid to spend time with my kids (something tells me I do not qualify for this one)

I could:
-Buy the finest men's pants at department store prices
-Walk with Regis on the red carpet
-Earn 700 million this year
-Find money I didn't know I
-Win a yard makeover
-Have a medical career in less than a year

-On the superhero front, someone named "Bullet" has hinted that I may have superhuman abilities.
I do...but not the kind I'm going to go public with. Really now, a girl has to have her privacy!

Social Messages
-'Tom' asks "Did you hear about Steven?"
-Geffen asks if I 'Want to let people know about my personal life'
-Robert G. Allen asks if I have what it takes to be wealthy. (Oh I do Robert, I do.)

-Giancarlo says 'Hello'

So many messages so little time. Technically, I didn't procrastinate though. I cleaned out my old email. Good for me.


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