Sticky Sweet


Overheard through my living room wall just now:

(two guys singing): "Na ni Na Na Hey Hey Hey, GOODBYEEEEE!"

single guy: "I love you man!"

(queue some muffled sounds and then the opening strings of a guitar)

other guy starting to sing: All I know! All I know-oooh......

first guy: You don't know jack....ass!

(hysterical laughter from possibly 5 voices as the other guy resumes trying to play)

Oh, boy, I tell you, living here is really...something. What, I'm not sure.



Blogger Unknown said...

Aren't drunk people... special?

9/22/2007 2:42 PM  
Blogger Amelia said...

Definitely. An hour later I finally figured out what he was trying to play. Eric Clapton's "Cocaine".

Go figure.

9/22/2007 8:06 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

that is too rad.

9/23/2007 5:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude! We're neighbors! Not really, but wouldn't that be weird?

10/05/2007 1:19 AM  

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