Sticky Sweet

School's In, Sucka!

Before I start, you need to know that I'm listening to MC Hammer-Specifically "Can't Touch This".

I know my job is new, but it's hard, yo. Seriously. So hard I've lost a pants size with all the running around, no time to eat stuff I do all day. So hard in fact that I've been contemplating finding a different one, but two factors have stopped me. I'm making more money now than I've ever made (which is kinda sad if you knew my salary), and also I feel obligated to stay because I got this job with a friend's influence as well as because I've known my bosses for a long time, since I lived here before so I really don't want to disappoint anyone. So, I've been kind of quiet at work, not wanting to connect with anyone or really make myself memorable in any way so that quitting would be less traumatic for us all. In the past few days, however this has changed. Everyone seems to be coming to me to talk, and my colleague told me her son (who also works with us, in a different section) told me her son loved me and would do anything for me. I don't think my plan is working like I thought it would.

Tomorrow I have to get up before the Roosters and drive to a hotel in Huntington to take a test for work. Then, in two weeks, work is putting me up at a hotel there so I can take a 3 day seminar where I'll get some ridiculous piece of paper that says I'm competent enough to do my job. The test looks so easy it's laughable (from the 200+ page book I just memorized) and 3 of the 4 main people I work with assure me that I'll do fine. One however, has gotten under my skin. Sunday he* looks as me and goes "I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but you're gonna fail that test." which, didn't bother me at first, but then slowly it started to aggravate me, and by this afternoon when I went over to review with my boss, I was downright peeved. My boss already knew what happened and had told me not to worry. He sat with us for a bit while we reviewed, and before he left the room he clapped me on the shoulder and said "Don't worry, you'll do fine" then made a "Yeah right!" face at my boss. She looked at me, raised an eyebrow and started to speak but I cut her off.

"Okay, NOW I'm getting a 100% just for spite." I said.

"That's my girl." she said. "Welcome back."

*the job I took was that of his mistress, whose husband had forced her to quit, because he suspected she was cheating on him! oops.


Blogger Unknown said...

Okay this guy?

Kind of an a-hole. I'm not gonna lie.

10/24/2007 2:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How'd you do?

10/24/2007 4:22 PM  
Blogger Amelia said...

Katya, yeah one of the biggest, I'd say.

Andrew, I passed with flying colors but I won't know the official score for a couple weeks.

10/24/2007 7:36 PM  

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