Sticky Sweet


This is the time of year I love the best. Bright lights and warm friendly faces, lots of family and friends to share it all with. But this year, it's all changed. Maybe not "ALL" exactly, but, my life is certainly not on the same level playing field it was last year at this time. I'm even considering not putting up my tree.

Sure, there is some Holiday cheer in me: I sing along to the (good) Christmas Carols on the radio, and today, when I donated money car-side to the motorcycle gang that was collecting money for "Needy Kids" (per their sign) my heart grew three sizes and for a fleeting moment I was teary eyed. Then I saw how crowded the store's parking lot was and got all "Bah humbug!" again. I feel like I'm just working hard to get this year over with. I so looked forward to it, and then it kicked me in the proverbial balls.

I'm feeling a little ignored. Please excuse me until this passes.


Blogger Unknown said...

Today at work they played Christmas songs ALL DAY. By the end of my shift I wanted to punch Santa in the face.

11/25/2007 3:27 AM  

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