Sticky Sweet


Sooo wow.... things have done a lot of changing in a short amount of time. Aside from the realization that, hey, I'm becoming a responsible adult (401k AND solo insurance.... seriously, when did THAT happen?) my little slice of the world has been strange.

Here are the highlights:

-Continuing on my quest for company domination (or lots o' ca$h) I will be abdicating my swivel chair as bottom-of-the-totem-pole Manager Betty and movin' on up to Ast. Manager. Right hand (wo)man. Taking my place right next to the king: More paperwork/stress/money. Less time off/fun. Effective Monday. Awesome.

-I went Christmas Tree shopping yesterday. I looked at green trees, white trees, prelit trees, and upside down trees (tempting), and came home last night after five hours with a silver tree....think garland silver. Don't be grossed out yet. It's cute, as confirmed by several eye witnesses, and the fact that I bought the last one. I'll take a picture, as soon as I put it up. Thanksgiving night, if I haven't passed out from turkey euphoria.


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