Sticky Sweet

I'll Be Counting the Days....

Today started off with good intentions. I woke up early, cleaned a little bit, walked on the treadmill while contemplating buying "The Firm" stuff from the infomercial (my decision: It looks hard, and I'm lazy) and then began primping my desktop for the long summer days ahead until I figure out what is wrong with my dear Lappy. I even had a nice conversation with HB via IM and cooked dinner to take over to my mom.

Cut to me in the shower around 2pm. I'm in full conditioner mode when I think I hear my front door slam. Seconds later I hear "Are you crazy!? Turn that water off right now!" and my response is a resounding scream of terror. Then, I hear an embellished sigh and call out my landlords name.

"No it's the **** Pope! Turn the water off!" he answered me politely.

So I did as told and we had that awkward moment where he realized I was naked, and so did I (and that I'd left my towels in the linen closet). So, he mumbled he'd be back in 5 minutes and explain the problem. Wobbly-kneed, I managed to get to my bedroom and stop shaking enough to get dressed before he got back.

Apparently the main water line (the one that takes all the water out I think?) was busted and my shower and dish washing rampage had watered my lawn quite nicely. Plumbers traipsed in and out all afternoon, as I sat idly by reading, switching between "The Memory Keeper's Daughter" and Martha Stewart Living until finally, around 8pm they left.

Just in time, because the conditioner I'd had to leave in my hair was really starting to drive me crazy. *shudder*

That is the 6th water-related problem I've had living here, in as many years. That makes the second main-line problem this year, the first leaving considerably more damage. The first question on my list now for potential landlords after "What's the rent?" is "How's the water?".


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