Sticky Sweet

The End Of The Innocence

It's no secret that the Golden Girls is my absolute favorite show. So when in late 2005ish/early 2006ish they began showing the never-before-seen-with-my-eyes spin-off, "Golden Palace" I tuned in. Even though it wasn't all that fantastic, I watched as I was loyal to my girls...even watching several repeats in a short period of time.

(warning: This may ruin your perception too)

Then one night Miles came to visit Rose. Blanche had mistakenly convinced Rose that he was cheating on her....but it turned out to not be a mistake. Miles basically had been seeing a waitress on the side for a year or so and had decided to go with her. Rose was crushed, and frankly, so was I.

Miles was the kind of man the (tv) ladies dream about....until that moment. After that, he was like all those other (tv) men. Scandalous.

I can't watch the 'Miles' episodes anymore. Breaks my heart. It's weird how a character can effect you so much.


Blogger Amelia said...

:) That was a great one!

2/11/2007 8:29 AM  

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