Sticky Sweet

It's All Heads Up Pennies

I can now add the words "Journalist/Columnist/Writer" (not at the same time, mind you) to my resume. After my 30 day trial period has ended, if I don't suck, I'll be writing for one of the top women's websites on a specific subject: One that I'm particularly good at. After the trial period is over, and I have in fact proven that I do not suck, I'll post the link, but for now in case of major suckdom, I'm being coy. Also, depending on several factors, I'll either be getting free stuff or cash. I can handle that.

March 1st definitely doesn't suck.

I hope I don't suck.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!I've always known my best friend is the best writer ever and now the rest of the world will know it too. That is the coolest thing that has happened in a very, very long time. I love you! You're the greatest!

3/02/2007 10:27 AM  
Blogger Mandy said...

cool beans!

3/05/2007 10:17 AM  
Blogger Amelia said...

Thank you ladies!

3/08/2007 1:25 AM  

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