Sticky Sweet

2008...So Far

In 29 minutes I'm going to be 25. I'm still a little shell shocked about this.

-This month has been full of the flu, and pulled muscles, and work work work.

-I'm taking classes to make this party planning business dream a reality.

-I broke my glasses (but according to my gay friend at work I'm 100 times sexier without them).
-I've bought 14 movies this month. Movie Gallery is a cult.

-I've seen one movie this month. Sweeney Todd is excellent.

-I've lost 30 pounds since Christmas and I've done it by being so busy I don't sit down. I know that's not the healthiest way to lose poundage, but hey, the jeans I put on for a company function last Tuesday looked great and I hadn't worn them in two years. Go. Me.

-I'm only seeing my coworkers and the insides of my eyelids. I'm working harder at life right now than I've ever worked before.

-My coworkers aren't too happy with me because I'm the only one who didn't get in trouble when the big head boss came. They chalked it up to my going to the company bowling party last Tuesday. Apparently now I'm also a suck up.

-I saw a real-life purse snatcher on Saturday at the mall. He got away with the goods.

-On nights when I get home at 3am and I'm too tired to do anything else, I pull out my mp3 player, go outside (sometimes with a blanket) and listen to that one song that reminds me of someone special over and over again, and miss him with a fierceness I've never known before. I feel like I've lost him and just can't figure out how to get him back.


Blogger Unknown said...

Things sound a bit rough right now. I'm sorry. If you want to talk, send me an email.

Happy Birthday!

1/23/2008 3:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to be on your diet. I hope you had a great birthday!

1/24/2008 10:49 AM  

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