Sticky Sweet

Looks Like Someone Has A Case Of The Mondays

I'm behind on:

-Column writing
-Friend Calling
-Crossing to-dos off my summer list
-Telling anyone about my summer list (oops)
-Family time
-Hair care

I've got a case of the blahs. My eye did that crazy Mr. T "I'm gonna get you sucka!" move on me earlier in the week and decided to swell as it is wont to do. I wake up crabby, and immediately and dramatically run back to bed and hide out until it un-swells but not this time. No, this time I didn't even notice until I tried to rub it and the realization "hey I don't have an eyelid on the left" popped in my head. Something must be done. This living arrangement is starting to get on my nerves. :P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

GASP!! Get an eye patch for when your eye swells. it'll be suhweeeet.

7/19/2007 7:14 PM  
Blogger Amelia said...

lol I will if it happens when your here.

No! You'll have to leave for the whole day. You know too much about pirates.

7/19/2007 9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had that eye swelling problem a couple of times in the spring. Unfortunately, mine lasted for a couple of days at a time.

7/20/2007 10:55 AM  
Blogger Amelia said...

Ouch! The first time I had it, mine lasted about 4 days, but then I got a prescription for magical eyedrops and it's usually over in a day. Sometimes it never starts if I can use them when my eyes start to tingle.

7/24/2007 10:42 PM  

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