Sticky Sweet

Noteable Quotes

Okay, I know it's nearly a week late, but these are my favorite quotes from my family on Christmas day.

"Where's the punch?"-Uncle Nick

"Fatboy's HUNGRY this year!!!" -My cousin Ronnie (who's not fat)

"This doesn't taste like punch" -Uncle Nick
"That's because it's Diet Coke" -Aunt Alice
"Oh. I can have that any time of year! Want PUNCH!"-Uncle Nick

"Where are you going?"-My mom
"To get something to drink"-Me
"There's burbon under the sink in the kitchen."-Cousin Ronnie
"Just was I was after."-Me
"........................." (Blank stares from my family.

(I was really getting water. Wish it were burbon!)

And my absolute favorite:

*Set scene* We're all opening presents, it's around 6 pm, 20people or so in the room. My Uncle Nick stops in the middle of ripping open a present and looks out at us, yelling:


Needless to say, he got his punch. It only took him 8 hours too.


He called me "Princess".

Driving down the I-95, windows down, warm breeze kissing our skin, he made a plan for the future. I soon found out, it was a plan that did not include me in the foreground. He was painting me out of the big picture, while I was planting myself firmly in his soil.

I guess he knew I wouldn't figure it out until it was too late to turn back...

Five Things


I've talked to these people:
My Mother

My last five thoughts:
"I'm getting sick"
"OH! Pretty coat! Wonder where she got that?"
"BAH Humbug"
"I wish this day was over"
"I'm cold"

Five Things I'm looking forward to in the next week:
Being off for two days
Christmas Eve party/drinking!
Christmas day gift giving!
Finally putting up my tree!!
Wrapping presents

If I could be anywhere right now, I'd be:
In bed. Simple Effective. Safe. Quiet.

Tough Decision

Fortune Cookie Prophecy

I got three cookies today for some mysterious reason. You pick the one that's best.

"You are the source of wisdom and strength to those around you."

"You have a good start. Work harder"

"Something nice is coming to you in the mail."

Melancholy Baby

I haven't been able to quiet my head all day. Furious thoughts broke through the conscious flood wall of my mind near dawn.

I lay there, staring at the wall through half closed eyes, thinking about all the things that have happend,all the things that will happen, I felt a warmth spread out within my heart. I know it's going to be all right.

Best Read Today

Now take my hand and hold it tight.
I will not fail you here tonight.
For failing you, I fail myself
And place my soul upon a shelf
In Hell's library without light.
I will not fail you here tonight.

Dean Koontz from "By the Light of the Moon"
From "The Book Of Counted Sorrows"

Too Busy Chasing Sheep

Googlism for: amelia

amelia is a single mexican woman from hermosillo
amelia island plantation recreation
amelia is trendy
amelia is at north adams regional hospital
amelia island's newest golfing
amelia is cool
amelia is awesome
amelia is curious
amelia is found
amelia is a picturesque regional center 22km west of terni and 15km north of the town of orte
amelia is in 4
amelia is annoying and so are all the l/z shrines
amelia is a sophmore
amelia is a stretch
amelia is enough to make anyone feel
amelia is the second most popular pair when you are pairing up amelia with somebody
amelia is the youngest in the group
amelia is open 7 days a week
amelia is probably the most controversial of all the good guys in slayers
amelia is closed on mondays and chickahominy on wednesdays for maintenance
amelia is a couple of years younger than lina inverse
amelia is the spunkiest 12
amelia is often tagged with such undesirable names like
amelia is a total freak when it comes to her father philionel
amelia is one of amelia
amelia is always cause for celebration
amelia is not writing and teaching workshops in animal communication
amelia is a very beautiful maine coon
amelia is a must
amelia is our
amelia is president of faces
amelia is the youngest of the slayers
amelia is a real pro
amelia is a fast growing and vibrant community with a lot of potential for the future (change community to lady and you've got it)
amelia is graphical
amelia is provided by queen city metro
amelia is a simple woman that enjoys the more simple life style
amelia is designed specifically to fit women from 4'10" to 6'; short top tube keeps you from
amelia is wasting away
amelia is also our liveliest
amelia is a friendly little tail
amelia is studying for a doctorate in business administration specialising in higher education at the university of bath
amelia is in love with him
amelia is a
amelia is a person who wants to help
amelia is the daughter of norene jacobson gonsiewski and tom gonsiewski and the sister of alex
amelia is on her way home today
amelia is seen here with her "uncle dana" king
amelia is what she will wear to her birthday party ?
amelia is down in a position remote from travel by ships
amelia is the port of hampton roads
amelia is in each of them
amelia is out looking for a better life
amelia is very fuzzy
amelia is enchanting
amelia is a member of the delta gamma sorority
amelia is a foreign entity to the residents on the island
amelia is actually two places in one
amelia is unaware of battles in which 200
amelia is located in northeastern pope county near the town of villard
amelia is now 10 years old
amelia is the only coupling that makes sense
amelia is clearly on her mind
amelia is a 'story
amelia is florida's oldest surviving hotel
amelia is a comprehensive "home solutions" site created by brazil's second largest grocery group
amelia is located along the border of the airport (only on Saturday night! HA!)
amelia is expected back sometime in october
amelia is now a much sought after child model and has appeared in numerous commercials including panadol
amelia is an innocent looking girl
amelia is seven when the book opens in 1969 at the very start of the present troubles
amelia is full of adventure
amelia is a 36 foot rival
amelia is as
amelia is "the exceptional treatment i have received over the years
amelia is preparing to head up to the cold northeast to play at the lizard lounge
amelia is prince teran
amelia is preparing to leave
amelia is an example of "the american spirit"
amelia is to understand
amelia is a champion of justice
amelia is on a stagecoach deep in the arizona territory in april of 1879 (I believe time travel is possible)
amelia is also known to the berkeley community for her articles in the san jose mercury news
amelia is too busy chasing sheep
amelia is too possessive to send georgy to school
amelia is a princess
amelia is
amelia is in the garden of the grimaldi palace
amelia is horrified
amelia is the only girl in all of nasel
amelia island
amelia is my stepgm
amelia is a 15 (on a scale that tops out at 10)
amelia is streaking it from mexico (maybe someday)


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