Sticky Sweet

I'm Just Saying...

It's okay to:

-Really consider Cosmo "the Bible" of living
-Still glow like a preteen when a boy band is on the radio
-Put said boy bands cds on your computer and listen to them (Hi Backstreet Boys!)
-Prefer getting "real" mail
-Like the movie better than the book sometimes
-Feel like nothing beats a well worn pair of jeans
-Skip the hair for a day
-Daydream about being the future, and still be terrified
-Pick out your bridesmaids long before you get engaged
-Decorate your whole bathroom around a soap pump
-Feel sorry for your arch nemisis
-Eat cookies for dinner
-Think old people are awesome
-Sleep in until evening
-Get a kick out of blowing bubbles
-Cry over spilled milk (then wipe it up and move on)
-Love the chinese buffet more than your mama's cookin (just don't tell her that)
-Like country (even if you don't admit it often)
-Get the warm fuzzies and keep it to yourself

Over Banalyzer

Sometimes, I feel like a baby learning how to walk. I get going with good thoughts, amazing thought processes, and I can actually touch my feelings (Which, I hate to say, doesn't happen as often as it did in my teenage years) and then *Boom*, I've fallen on my arse. Hard. It takes what feels like an eternity to get back up on my feet and try it again. Only that time around, I'm afraid to let go of my safety grip. Because I fear if I do, I'll fall right back down and be stuck in the same spot I just came from. Usually this theory holds true. This is one of those times.

My horoscope today said this: "You're letting your emotions get the better of you. Chill out, already!" I think I should listen.

I'm going to sit back, paint my nails red and see what happens.

They May Be Crazy But They Come In Handy

my favorite quote of the day:

"He is every swear word I can think of"

one of my friends : )

That's all for now