Sticky Sweet

Local Celebrity

Two Hours

-I just spent the last two hours laughing it up while watching people sing (bad) country music, karaoke style. The flashing neon sign advertised that you could bring your own music or choose from "many selections" already on hand. How could I pass that up? It was beautiful.

-I spent two hours yesterday hanging out at a friend's house for another friend's birthday. My friend's wife and I watched the boys play cards, quote Jay and Silent Bob and imbibe as much Bud Light as they could possibly handle in 120 minutes. When we got up to leave, my friend yelled "Wait! I have to play you this song! Let me get my guitar!" and ran off, returning before I could ask whether is was acoustic or electric. It was neither. He ran back in the room with a tiny plastic guitar and played a Danzig song on Guitar Hero. Over and Over. For 30 minutes. My head hurt.

I'm Still In Shock Heath Ledger's Dead.

I bought a bookcase for my birthday. Well, a "media center" I originally was planning on making a bookcase but now I'm guessing I'd better use it for it's intended purpose. I've managed so far to wrangle the frame together but until I can remember to get some glue on my way home, It'll remain that way.

That being said, it's been a pretty boring week. So instead of whining about how I should be sleeping right now instead of blogging, watching Bewitched (the series), doing laundry, and waiting to be at work at 5am, I give you some links to get you through the day. Enjoy!

The 10 Most Terrifyingly Inspirational 80's Songs

Smitten Kitchen

Good Reads

Glitter Adventure's Exploding Box Class

2008...So Far

In 29 minutes I'm going to be 25. I'm still a little shell shocked about this.

-This month has been full of the flu, and pulled muscles, and work work work.

-I'm taking classes to make this party planning business dream a reality.

-I broke my glasses (but according to my gay friend at work I'm 100 times sexier without them).
-I've bought 14 movies this month. Movie Gallery is a cult.

-I've seen one movie this month. Sweeney Todd is excellent.

-I've lost 30 pounds since Christmas and I've done it by being so busy I don't sit down. I know that's not the healthiest way to lose poundage, but hey, the jeans I put on for a company function last Tuesday looked great and I hadn't worn them in two years. Go. Me.

-I'm only seeing my coworkers and the insides of my eyelids. I'm working harder at life right now than I've ever worked before.

-My coworkers aren't too happy with me because I'm the only one who didn't get in trouble when the big head boss came. They chalked it up to my going to the company bowling party last Tuesday. Apparently now I'm also a suck up.

-I saw a real-life purse snatcher on Saturday at the mall. He got away with the goods.

-On nights when I get home at 3am and I'm too tired to do anything else, I pull out my mp3 player, go outside (sometimes with a blanket) and listen to that one song that reminds me of someone special over and over again, and miss him with a fierceness I've never known before. I feel like I've lost him and just can't figure out how to get him back.

Recap (an ongoing list)

95.3% of 2007 sucked for me. Here's a recap of the best (and worst) moments/things that I encountered in 2007.


Best Movie I saw: Transformers/I Am Legend (tie)

Worst Movie: Gravedancers

Top 5 Songs:

1. "Ice Cream" - Muscles
2. "Sorry"-Buck Cherry
3. "I'll Be Waiting"- Lenny Kravitz
4. "Forever"- Papa Roach
5. "The Way I Are" - Timbaland

Most Anticipated Book Read: Eclipse- Stephenie Meyer


Best Day: July 27, 2007 (first day of vacation)

Worst Day: September 28th, 2007 (day I got hired at my job lol)

Best thing that happened: Finally spending time with HB

Worst thing that happened: March-May which caused my mom to lose a leg, and a lot more.

Loneliest moment: Sitting in my car in December in a deserted parking lot listening to a cd and having one of those semi-quarter-life-crisis moments.

Number of people I've had arrested: 1

Number of pounds lost: 38

Biggest Accomplishment: Being able to make a little ca$h writing.

Smallest Accomplishment: Being a Jerk. For realz.