Sticky Sweet


It's entirely possible that I'm being haunted.

Driving home tonight, at midnight/'the witching hour' I stopped at the second of four turns I make in order to pull in safely to my apartment, when I looked over and saw this dim, 40 watt bulb kind of light ominously blinking off and on. Off and on. Off and on, in some guys built-in garage. No other lights were on at all on the street and as I drove past I saw no person in the garage. I got chills. Then, a road block was set up in front of the vet's office. I slide up and give my license as asked, and am told to "Be safe out there" and am sent on my way. I contemplate telling the officer about what I'd just witnessed, but as the chills took me again, I decided against turning back.

I make my third turn and notice there are a large number of cats hiding behind the guard rails on the side of the road, and back into the grassy areas beside the country road I'm on. Not so abnormal right?

Getting out of the car I hear a weird screeching sound from over the hill I just came off. I figure a train is headed toward me in the distance, so I go inside, forgetting for the most part about what I'd just seen. I skip turning any lights on and instead rely on the electric candles in my windows to light my way. I change into my pajamas, throw my hair back, and as I'm walking back through the apartment I hear it. Scratching. Something is scratching at my door. And then, no kidding, my power flashes off, then on.

I back up against the wall and try to remember the best way to incapacitate an attacker. Is it the the nose thing? Definitely the nose thing. But, I don't have to think for long as it appears to have stopped after the light returned.

What. The. Hell.

The August(s) of My Discontent

Even though this whole year has been chock full of sucking, August in particular has been a brutal month*. The 3am phone call from the previous post came from the facility that currently houses my mom. She's sick again and now back at the hospital (though now I've learned that it's not as bad as my imagination wanted to think it was). So after I got dressed, and didn't sleep last night, opting instead to sit on the couch and stare at my cell phone, waiting for a call to action, I started thinking: The past 4 Augusts have been nasty as well. Let's further investigate this matter:

August 2003: Huge fight with former friend, led me to leave work (because I was working for her) and spent most of August thinking about cancer, death, and death by cancer, whilst reading pamphlets on death/cancer in the hospital's waiting area.

August 2004: The reappearance of Cheeseburger Boy. Need I say more?

August 2005: Specifically August 4th, 4:15 A.M. est. An incident occurred that left me more bitter than stale coffee in a dirty mug served in a seedy diner by some one armed guy named 'Mo'. That solitary hour left me bitter well into October when I was very graciously snapped back into the land of sugarplum fairies and bogo sales. August 1st-3rd however, occurred without incident.

August 2006: Not as bad as the previous two, but marked by my first promotion at my previous employer. Spent the time reading company manuals and saying things like "If we refer to page 6, policy 1.4.5 we will see...." (did you fall asleep? I totally did)

August 2007: Apartment hunting, spending a ghastly amount of money on something that I'll never be able to see or touch or even believe was real (so I may as well have set the cash on fire), more mom sickness, and the realization that I actually do have to depend on me and me alone to get everything in order has left me feeling colder than a trek through the Arctic Tundra. And that, my friends, is mighty cold.

If August wasn't so close to being over, instead of facing my fears and sucking it up, I might have been forced to do the unthinkable: But a "I'm not an "Adult": I just play on on T.V." shirt and hide on one for the many closets in my new apartment. I've got 6, so I might not be discovered until my neighbor (Gladys) complained about the smell.

August, I'll be glad to be rid of you!

*Even though the first 10 days were very good


Not Again

3 am phone calls are never good news.


Still Alive.

Just a quick note to say I'm not dead and it's t-minus 8 days until i get phone service in my NEW APARTMENT and can properly annoy you once again. Have fun until then!

/ Vacation

This picture makes me almost want another cat. Almost.

So vacation is officially over. It's sad and it stinks. I'll be back in a couple more days with something more interesting than a plant loving cat to show you.

No promises that it'll be cuter though.