Sticky Sweet

A Message from the Anti-Lolygaggers Association

It's no secret to anyone who knows me, that I hate change. Coincidentally, this week has been nothing but change.

-Obviously, the job thing was a big change
-My married friends (and relations) are moving this Sunday
-I saw a side of a very good friend that I never expected to see. I didn't like it one bit.
-All my routines and habits have flown right out the window.

All of those things happend early on in the week. I spent the entire day yesterday in bed, reading a book. I ended up only talking to my mother, and to B, the two people I wouldn't even think of trying to avoid. It was very relaxing, but I realized that I was falling back into an old routine. Whenever I'm feeling really discombobulated, I hide. I cut myself off from the people that are causing it. I avoid as much reality as possible.

So today, I decided not to let that happen.

I woke up around noon (which doesn't count, as I didn't fall asleep until 6:30 or so this morning), and immediately started working. I've already rearranged my living room, done three loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, and made a shopping list of stuff I need for tomorrow night's dinner party. No more lolygagging for me.

PS. Still planning on writing about the boss, just haven't formed it into words yet. I did lose the list though..I'll have to make another.

I Challenge You To A Spell Off

Sometime during the night the house stopped spinning. So, thanks to who/mever fixed it for me. I owe you a whole box of cookies.

According to MSN Encarta, I'm a 'very good at spelling'

Find out how proficient a speller you are here.

The Weekend

Saturday: Spent most of day with friend Becca. Sunday: Birthday party for 6 year old. Was run (ran?) over by a 9 year old and  a 3 year old driving a John Deere thing that looked like a hummer. It hurt, but was hilarious. Spent rest of evening doing nothing of any importancehopped from 8/9 am-3pm to avoid going home to roofers. Came home. Sounded like giants tapdancing. Took nap. Made dinner. Talked on phone. A lot.

That was my weekend. Extremely boring, but it's nice to have a nap day on occassion. Hope everyone else had a good one.

Now THAT'S What I Call A Friday

I spotted some dude pulling out of the parking garage who as he yelled at a girl walking down the street, told her "I LOVE YOU!" and pretended to 'manually pleasure' what looked like a mop handle while grinning like an idiot. Then he howled like a wolf and pulled onto the street.

A 75 year old woman was spotting dancing (in the literal sense) down the street.

A woman (who is a waitress at the restaraunt next to my store) is pacing between our businesses with headphones on, singing at the top of her lungs. A fire engine went past and she sang loud enough to top the sound.

Yep, it's the weekend.

Sock It To Me

Last night I had a dream that someone shot me with a nail gun in both wrists (the part that faces your body, dead center at the highest point before you hand begins). Someone took me to the ER to get them out, but no one would touch them, so I pulled them out myself.

This morning as I was leaving for work, the guy we rent from told me that some people were going to start working on our roof Monday and I'd need to park somewhere besides my driveway so I wouldn't get nails in my tires.


Meanwhile, my bracelet is aggravating that spot right now. I would look to see if anything was wrong with my wrist, but that would mean seeing my veins and I'd like to not get grossed out right now.

That was a really freaky dream.

The Funny To Counteract The Crappy

Does anyone else hear songs at inappropriate times in their heads? This doesn't happen to me often, but yesterday, I was sitting down to dinner with my family, and my aunt was telling some sort of story ( Have no idea what it was) and about the time, I was asked to pass my plate, I realized that a song had been bouncing around in my head for quite some time, but I had no clue for how long, or how it got in there. There was also a pretty funny visual bouncing around in there. I literally burst out laughing in the middle of my aunt talking. I quickly covered my mouth and looked away from everyone (to help calm down) but the absurdity of what I was seeing made it even worse. The worst part was I was laughing too hard to telling anyone what I was seeing, so they had to sit there dumbfounded until I could breathe enough to tell them.

What happened you ask? The song that was going around in my head was "She Works Hard for the Money" and the visual I was getting was a pair of 'flash dance legs' just dancing around in my head. Why I dreamed that up, I'll never know. But it was definately entertaining.

I didn't feel as bad when I told what happened, as I had before I explained. Though I did crack up again right in the middle of telling it, leaving the family to decipher what I was trying to say. Luckily, my equally absurd friend Michelle is married to my cousin, and she knew what I was telling them. She repeated before cracking up as well.

How Did This Happen?

     A woman just came into my place of work and offered to pay me big bucks to decorate her house.

*blinks* HUH?

     She told me I'd 'done some work' for her a few monthes back  and I was extremely confused (what work?!) until I realized she meant through my real work. After racking my brain, I vaguely recalled putting some gift baskets together for her right before Christmas. I do actually do very unique baskets, but haven't a clue what I did for her that was so spectacular.  She also  tells me I picked a picture out for her over the phone as well and it "fit perfectly with her decor". Whatever lady. I have no idea what she's referring to.

     I turned her down, telling her I haven't the time (nor the patientence) to do this for her. She slipped me her card, asking me to call if I reconsider.
     Where do these people come from? And, why are they always crossing paths with me?

     Hopefully, I didn't just turn down the CEO of JC Penney's. I probably just blew my chance to have my own line of bed and bath coordinates right next to the Ty Pennington Style display. Oh well.

Because I Said So, That's Why

Lately I've been noticing that my 'people' (friends, etc etc) are telling me what to do. Not just little things either. I'll mention I'm thinking about doing something (that in no way involves this person I'm conversing with) and someone will pipe up with a flat out "No". When I inquire the reason for their answer they simply say "Because" and expect me to accept that. Which would be okay...if I were five. Friends want to to purchase things I don't need so they can use or borrow them. Other friends try to turn me against the previous friends by pointing out minute flaws in their person and stating "You don't want a friend like that". Obviously I like the person or I wouldn't choose to be around them. Some of the friends that are being picked on, are now my family (married to my relatives) so I couldn't drop them, even if I wanted to. My family just flat out tells me what to do (which frankly, is getting rather annoying, since it's not just their opinion and not even my mother who's doing it). But when I try to talk to my mom, she simply says, "Oh, they're just trying to give you their opinions. It's nothing." It would be nothing, if I were asking for these opinions rather than having them thrown at me by the basketful.
I'm usually very fair in my opnions, and very considerate of other person's feelings. I won't say anything until I can figure out how to say it in a way that won't hurt their feelings, or be misconstrued as something else.

This isn't the first time this has happened either.

I'm not even safe at work anymore.

I guess it's time for me to clam up again. No more discussions of my 'stuff'. Other people's 'stuff' only.

My kingdom for a hammock, a good book, a shade tree and a hour of peace.


The best license plate to date:

Buh Buh Benny and the Jets

Today is Cinco Di Mayo.

It has come to my attention that many people have no idea what this holiday is.

I'm here to enlighten you. *instert wavy flashback lines here*

Cinco Di Mayo commemorates the defeat of the French by Mexican soldiers in the Battle of Pueblo in 1862. 4,000 Mexican soldiers overpowered the 8,000 man army composed of French soldiers and other "traitor" Mexicans. They were approximately 100 miles east of Mexico City on that morning, May 5, 1862. According to the many historians, the Mexicans basically fought the war for the Americans. When the battle was over, many of the French army were killed or severly wounded.

This victory kept Napoleon III from supplying the confederate rebels for another year's time, allowing the united states time enough to build what has been called "the greatest army the world has ever seen". This army overpowered the Confederates at the Battle of Gettysburg 14 monthes after the Battle of Puebla, basically helping end the Civil War.

Some say that those 4,000 Mexican armymen were soley the reason for the United States' survival.

Cinco Di Mayo is a celebration of freedom and liberty. Party Time!

Read more about the history of Cinco Di Mayo here

Good Day Sunshine

Today is shaping up to be a pretty nice day. I woke up to pounding on my door, but it was my mother, with a friend who came to do some maintenance to my place. I'm always up for that! Plus, in an attempt to make up with me for Monday's mini-freak out she and I had, she bought me......

A power drill.

I've been wanting one. It gets annoying, having to wait monthes for someone to free up some time to do handiwork for you. I've been wanting to learn how to use 'tools'. Now, I get the chance. I'm excited.

I'm really looking forward to making my trip to Paintsville tonight as well. I haven't seen my friend in a long time, and her son always perks me up. He's 2 and a half, and HILARIOUS. In fact, I'm going to try my best (if he's in a good mood that is) to convince her to let me bring him home and spend a few days with me. He's a good guy and hasn't stayed since last August. I've been tapping my foot in anticipation of leaving since I got here. 6:30 cannot come early enough for me today.

My aunt will be here tomorrow. I haven't seen her since last August. She's kooky. I miss her! But she's coming here!

After spending nearly an hour at the carwash this morning, my car is looking shiny and new. I think we both feel it.

This weather is gorgeous. I was set for another week of rain and yuck, but it's sunny, and while it's not as warm as it has been, it's warm enough in the sunshine to make it a very enjoyable day. The weather really DOES affect your mood.

If I'd Just Breathe

Good weekend, all around. Sunday, I stayed home pretty much all day, which is rare for me. I wound up going to a rock concert in the park that night. It wasn't shabby at all. This inspired me to go rescue my guitar from my aunt's house (I keep it there so I won't break it or lose it) and I spent the evening (the dusk hours) sitting on my porch, with my legs propped up on the rail, playing the few songs that I can play in their entirety. Now, I wasn't going to mention which songs exactly, for embarrassment purposes, but I suppose I will anyway, to make this more humorous. The two songs that I played that night, that I can play all off (that is, besides the errant strumming of half remembered tunes, and making things up) were: Michelle Branch's "Breathe" and FeFe Dobson's "Everything" (that was popular for five minutes last summer). Anyway, I was just messing around, seeing if I remembered how to play them, and sang them while doing this. There didn't appear to be anyone home on either side of my house, so I figured I was safe from anyone hearing me (a big factor for me). I probably messed around with stuff for an hour or so before the chilly night air, and the return of my neighbors caused me to go insidel I didn't really think anything more of it, until Monday morning, when I left the house. Taped to my rail was a note. It said "Nice playing. Nice singing. Nice."


I had bad dreams all weekend, but there had been something I was sort of worrying about tugging at the back of my brain. It was causing me to go without sleep (because I was staying awake to think about it from different angles) and to have bad dreams (the kind where someone you really care about says something like "I hate you and never want to see you again " kind of dreams. But that's all better now. Like it always is. I try to not worry about things when it comes to people. It just makes me crazy, so I try to avoid it, but sometimes I can't. Now, I quit though, and I was right, it was worthless to be worried about it. But you don't have any idea how happy I am that I worried for nothing rather than for something.

Monday, I spent most of the day, out in Ashland with one of my friends. Shopping at the town center, and just sort of wandering aimlessly. I was on a quest for birthday and mother's day gifts. Which I was elated to clear off my to buy list. Then, I came home, and did some geeky things to my computer, and avoided all contact with my mom. We also fought this morning. Oh well.

Wednesday I get to go home (or my hometown rather) and visit my best friend. Her birthday was the 30th. I'm really looking forward to that. I always get 'little kid' excited when I get to go home. It's really pathetic. The only bad thing is going after work means that by the time I get there, we wreak minor havoc and I come home, it'll be well after 2am. It's a good thing I open the store at 11. I wouldn't make it otherwise.

It's Okay...

It's Okay (number 2)

It's okay to...

-Wake up after a bad dream and crave ding dongs, chili cheese dip, and ruffles. And eat them.
-Still get a bigger kick out of cartoons than of 'adult' programming
-To get teary eyed while picking out a 'congratulations on your new baby' card.
-Be excited about the new season of SpongeBob
-Spend the whole day sewing/reading/crafting/whatever, with the phone unplugged
-Collect recipes even though you rarely (if ever) cook
-Drop $ 40 on a bottle of perfum because the store doesn't have a tester and you REALLY want to sniff it (and are glad you did)
-Stay in bed until 10:30 daydreaming, even though you have places to be

-Keep multiple tubes of lotions/creams in your purse, because you might 'lose one'

-But things (or at least make sure you remember things) that you want to have in your own home someday.