Sticky Sweet

23 More Days

-Watched my favorite episode of King of the Hill;"The Bluegrass Is Always Greener"
-Located my missing favorite bottled water at a store moments after I'd finished constructing "missing" posters...Absopure, I've missed you.
-Didn't cry at all over my car. Things are looking up.
-Bought a PC game and a Rod Stewart CD. Nerd.
-Slept in 'just 5 more minutes' three or four times.

And then...
-TLB called me while I was out tonight, breaking in just as that Gnarls Barkley song "Crazy" began it's chorus....she asked me why I was laughing so hard when I answered the phone. Sigh.

In 8 minutes the calendar will roll over once again. Happy September darlings.

Days like this can only make me smile. While it got off to a rocky start, and hit several potholes before the day was over, it wound up being quite charming. When I headed out at 7:33 pm and noticed that it was quite dark out even for a rain-coated day, I felt that quick fluttering in my heart one usually reserves for their Love. The leaves are turning, scarecrows are making their first appearances, and Apple Day is right around the corner. Fall is so close now that were I to sleep in a pumpkin patch I just might see The Great Pumpkin.

Frowns For Sale

While I was coming home from work tonight, someone ran a stop sign and pulled out in front of me. I ALMOST got away from them in time but still wound up getting hit (I'm saying it this way because it's their fault). I ended up narrowly escaping a huge accident, and the I'm pretty sure that the person who ran in front of me did too, but I wouldn't know because they ran. They kept right on wal-mart.

(that's not raindrops on the's my tears)
I got out of my car and stood for a moment, waiting for them to make a U turn and come back, because, really who does that? And as I realized that they weren't coming back, my jaw dropped lower until I was standing there in the rain, mouth agape, staring at the bright lights of the white trash paradise. I'm not sure how long I stood there, but eventually someone pulled up and asked if I was okay. I nodded, remembering to close my mouth and get back in the car. I sat there, trying to think of what to do next. So I cried. A lot. Then I drove home. And when I stopped for gas and saw my turn signal dangling alongside my fender (bumper, whatever) I cried some more. I know it doesn't look like a big deal, but it is to me. I've never put so much as a scratch on my car....and then someone hits it and leaves like they do it every day.

(Maroon Paint? No, my car is bleeding)

Add this to the many reasons why I dislike living here. Rude, inconsiderate, bad driving bastards. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go cry again.

The Weekend

-Spent some time with Best Friend (Tessa) on Friday night. It's never enough time, and we always end up rushing like crazy to do everything we want (and only manage to get a couple things finished). At least now she knows why I call a certain coworker "the hillbilly".

-TLB's mom and I had a round 2 Saturday evening. It went better than round 1, but it was equally frustrating...but I had TLB's fiance as a buffer this time.

-Mental Floss. Grab one. Or borrow mine: It's great.

-Slept 12 hours almost in a row. I think I'm all caught up. Now I can start losing it again.

-Had more dreams than I could count, and only two I remember vividly. Dueling banjos, why you gotta haunt me?

"You're the one that I wanted to find"


I can feel you in the air, see you in the sunset. I'm going to fill you so full of goodness your metaphorical heart will burst from the sheer volume of it all. Hurry up and get here you big lug. There's magic to experience.

With love,


So I met TLB's mother I know why she decided against introducing us before. I won't bore you with all the details, but yikes! Now I know where TLB gets her charming personality from. The first thing her mother did was insult my accent in a noninsulting way. Those of you who've heard me speak know I have an accent, but it's anything but bad. While, I do have one, I had no idea there were hollers in PA you could live at the head of. Wow. She taught me something. No offense to anyone hailing from PA of course.

But the real kicker is this: I managed to get her a sizeable discount on some stuff for TLB's wedding through a company my p.o.e. is affiliated with. They came by today to pick up the information on how to get said stuff and she complained because I had only managed to swing them a 65% discount on whatever they purchased.

On a totally unrelated note...Does anyone want to drive to Northern Pennsylvania this weekend and tp a completely random house?

Just kidding. But seriously, I don't know why I even bother.


Keller's Kards. Hilarious stuff.

Oh Betty White, what hast thou done?

After the Shat's* roast on Comedy Central...I don't think I can ever watch my Golden Girls again without blushing.

*LOVE calling him the Shat!

So Hard I Saw Stars

Current Events:

-I bashed the top of my head on the filing cabinet at work on Friday evening. It hurt. There was (a little) blood. And now, when I touch it, I get queasy. Not good, right?

-Looks like I'll be going to TLB's wedding stag (can a girl go stag? If they can that's what I'm doing)...a wedding I've helped plan and now have to pretty much decorate all by myself. Ugh...I really am putting off sending the RSVP back. The first day of Fall (Sept 23) is going to turn out to be one of the most miserable days of the year. And just think, a few monthes ago it was still a happy time. All I can say is that apple day is a scant 2 weeks from that day so I'll be dreaming of a few days at home during "The Electric Slide" (which, incidentally I had to teach the bride and groom how to do(don't worry...I had to learn it in gym class. I can also square dance)). TLB is none too happy about my going alone, but she still won't take my suggestion for fixing the situation: If she wasn't GETTING married I wouldn't "just have" to have a date.

-The $100,000 Pyramid game on DVD? YES Please!

-I noticed this week that I've been so preoccupied with looking ahead to the future that I'm forgetting to appreciate the present. Even though the past two weeks have been sort of hard, they haven't been that hard. More frustrating than anything, but that's neither here nor there. The point is that I need to get back on track. I've let myself slip, and with (a few) bad results.

Got Got Got Got No Time


That elusive measurement we use to count the days gone by.

Wait...what? I think I lapsed into Robert Frost for a moment...Or Scarlett O'Hara.

Anyway, lately I've noticed that I'm steadily falling behind. With friends (which I miss) and with housework (which I don't), and a few things in between. No matter how many activities I try to squeeze into a day, I'm constantly coming up short. That doesn't even count the ones I'm forgetting either, because that's happening more often than I'd care to admit. I narrowly missed traveling to Pittsburgh* with my boss (not the Hillbilly) today for a 2 day conference. The first class I have to teach is early next week and I have to busy myself being all productive and stuff, rather than schmoozing people I most likely will never speak with again.

This morning was the first time that I've seen the morning sun in over a month. I'm missing my usual AC/DC twice a day fixes. I can't even manage to find time to take my car in for a minor repair. Sheesh. I need an assistant. Or at least a calendar I'll really update.

More Time.... I think that's what I'll ask for this Christmas.


Pat Sajak was the only name that came to mind

On Notice.

Total Spazz

If I called you yesterday between the hours of 8am and 4pm I'm sorry. Apparantly the locking function on my cell phone is not as steadfast as I once thought it to be. I wound up calling all my "T" names. Oops.

For Once, It Wasn't Me

Things have been boring around here lately. I've pretty much been working, sleeping, and seeing a friend or two in between. But today that all changed. I came home after going over to TLB's house to this lovely scene (see: photographic representation of a bad day). One of my neighbors ran their truck into where I live! Up the driveway, over a sidewalk,through a miniature garden (My poor pansies) and kaboom, right into the side. The kitchen is a disaster, but most everything else is okay. Thankfully.

In the coming days I'll be wishing I was so bored that I could once again ponder once again how the new JAZZ Diet Pepsi tastes so much like a movie theater graveyard (the metal soda), with none of the calories. Seriously, how do they do that?

Now With 100% More Paper

Last week, I mentioned that I'd been promoted to a new, more paper pushy position at work. Monday I was promoted, again. I've been Doubly Promoted!! TWICE in one week. I think I'm still in shock. I think this is the most responsibility I've ever had. Scary!

BTW, anyone want to go to the Sternwheel Regatta on either the 1st (and see Warrant and Quiet Riot*) or the 3rd (and see the Charlie Daniels Band) in September?

*Quiet Riot!