Sticky Sweet

This Makes For An Interesting Weekend

Two messages made it through my spam filter today:

"Claim your 1yr supply of beer now, Amelia *******!!!!"


"Great rates from"

What are they trying to tell me?

I think a keg party is in order.

It Could Be A Rockstar

This weekend was a weekend of discovery.

-I spent most of Friday with my 10 year old and 5 year old cousins, discovering they're so much smarter than I was at their age. Their knowledge of technology alone blew me away.

-I also discovered Frogger 2 is awesome. Namely because I (together with the ten year old) beat it in one sitting.

I discovered that I'm a lot moodier when I miss someone than my usual unmooded self. That both scares me and drives me crazy.

-Last night and the night before, I discovered that there REALLY is something on television occassionally. You just have to tune in around 3am.
-Ed Wood
-Zombies on Broadway

-Clay Pigeons (A.J. hearts V.V.)
-The Devil Bat
-The Fearless Vampire Killers

It must have been Bela Lugosi's birthday or something.

-I discovered that I do indeed, have an original thought in my head. But just one. And it's been used in the form of a children's book for some sort of contest a friend asked me to team up and enter.


-Downloads (Stick Figure Fighting...enough said)

-I discovered that, no matter how I tried, I still ended up taking a shine to Joel Osteen. He reminded me a lot of a certain Pastor at a certain Church I don't go to nearly enough.

-I discovered that, even though my 'get up and go' has lived up to the old addage and literally got up and went, (according to the bloodwork I had done this morning atleast....but pop some iron and I'll be fine) if I lay in bed at night, and I make myself be very still, I can feel it humming. I know I'm supposed to be doing something, but I haven't figured out what exactly it is yet.

-I discovered that miniature saws that cut holes in metal boxes are REALLY loud and even if you're on the opposite side of the house when your landlord flips it on, you'll still scream like it's you he cut. The new a/c he installed though, will definately be worth it.

By The Numbers

Hot off the presses! The latest fall fashion your business card will be wearing this year comes at the end of this sentence.

Apparantly, it is now proper etiquette (read: trendy) to use periods instead of hyphons when displaying your phone number.


You currently list your phone number thusly:


But now, if your hip, you write it thisly:


Why am I speaking so much about a stupid dot, you ask? It's not just the dot. It's what the dot represents. While it does look more chic than it's horozontal floating line counterpart, the period is representing just one item on a long list that we've upgraded as a country and as a people. ENOUGH ALREADY. When did we forget to leave well enough alone? More importantly, who are we paying to come up with all this garbage and is there a job opening in that department? I bet it pays six figures. Minimum.




.........on second thought, is does the number look more professional, therefore making the person it belongs to look more professional, or like they are from Bulgaria*.

I'm supposed to design some new business cards for a neighbor this week. This means I'll be spending a ridiculous amount of time hitting the undo and redo buttons, comparing the old vs. the new. Yeesh.

*an idea broached in the last sentence of the attached article.

I Bet He Likes Ham Best

Last night I dreamt that the President of the United States was sitting on the edge of my old back porch, swinging his leg and eating a sandwich.


To dream about a sandwich suggests you have a lot of pressure/stress. Also, the sandwich reflects your ability to do two things at once.

To dream about eating may mean you are experiencing loss, lonliness and depression. You may feel rejected or cut off from social/family ties. Also consider the pun "what's eating you?" and consider any anxiety you might have.

To dream about the actions of said president may mean this is how you view him.

Other than what I've highlighted, nothing really rings a bell. I suppose that I could subconsciously think the president (or his team of ear whisperers anyway) is under a lot of pressure. Maybe he's just hungry. That's probably more like it.

You Can't Say I Didn't Warn You

I haven't been able to fall asleep before 3am for about three weeks now. This past week, rather than fight it by laying down and doing the old stand by (counting until I bore myself to death) I just said "fuck trying" and decided to let those thoughts that were trying to push to the surface finally get some air.

The upside: My head is a lot clearer.

The downside: all the thoughts were semi-crazy (it was the middle of the night after all)

I let the first few whispers fade away into the dark of the room, but after a while, they kind of overwhelmed me, and I saved some of them for public consumption.

Now comes the fun part.

Remember how I do a lot of 'theme weeks' with my titles? Well, I'm going to kick off today as a theme week for posts. The theme: Crazy and personal. So, two themes, actually. You'll find that I toss out some obscure ideas (many which I've came close to putting down before, but was too paranoid about the 'crazy' aspect to follow through) and some personal stuff that has been floating around in this banana pudding brain of mine. I've also been keeping some links from you ( I know, I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you) that I plan on sticking around here and there, and I might, if you play your cards right, throw in a badly drawn cartoon or two that a friend of mine and I used to mail back and forth.

Don't say I didn't warn you.