Sticky Sweet

The Truth

Amelia: OMG OMG there are 3 people fighting outside my door because some woman found her boyfriend or whatever with some girl here, and she's all "You don't KNOW Me? I pay your fucking child support every month!" and stuff.
Brandon: sweeet asss
Amelia: I guess Saturday night is Saturday night no matter where you are.

Cut To The Dramatics

When I was in 3rd grade, I got my waist-length hair cut off in a (horrible) horrible haircut. I felt freer that I'd ever felt in my kid-life, as it was so thick it gave me headaches. My best guy friend Joel C. promptly went home to his mother and cried because of my dramatic follicle separation. According to his mother, he cried "Amelia cut off ALL her hair" over and over again. Our moms, those rare times they still see one another, still like to embarrass Joel with this tale.

A little over a week ago, I went to my hometown Wal-Mart to get Tessa's mom something before I left town. I walked past the hairdressers but wound up making a U-turn and going back. I'd been trying to get my hair cut with my regular lady (the only woman who has ever touched my hair in my fake-adult life) but we've been missing each other since February. So I bit the bullet. I got my almost waist-length hair cut off.

I also got "swoopy" bangs. They're awesome, and I highly recommend them.

When I saw my cousin a few days later, she grabbed my head and turned me around to make sure her eyes weren't tricking her.

"You cut off ALL your hair!" she exclaimed, to which I sighed.

"It's Hair, M. It's only hair."

Baby, I Never Should Have Left.

I'm homeless.

Whew! Best to get the big news out of the way first, right? Today is day 11 of my unfortunate homelessness. But don't fret: Today also starts week 2 of my temporarily living in an Inn.

To make a very long story shorter, my apartment flooded and in order to fix all the problems that demonic place has bestowed upon itself I had to move everything out so that plumbers and construction workers and whomever else my landlord could think of could rip and tear the inside out and start all over again. Since my lease was going to be up on the 20th anyway, I opted not to renew and instead just figured I'd take my chances. I had 4 days to move out before they started. 4 days to pack 6 years of life into a 17 foot U-haul and transport it across town to store in a 10x20 storage box. I found, that unless you are a master organizer you cannot fit 6 years of life, and school work and GIANT furniture (really, have you seen that treadmill? or the couch for that matter?). So I filled up the space and whatever was leftover was either donated, tossed, or given to my very nosy, very greedy neighbors, who in the last days of my residency there traipsed through my residence with hungry eyes (but not the sexy Patrick Swayze kind) asking things like "You're throwing THAT away?" or "I've been looking for one of those!"

Honestly! You were really looking for a battered ride-along pony circa 1985? Good thing I had one!

I think the last straw was when I saw a neighbor climb into the dumpster for a frigging roll or wrinkled strawberry shortcake gift wrap. Come on people!

It was all finally over last Tuesday and I've been apartment/house hunting ever since. There were no tears like when I moved in... just a loud "whoop!" of joy as I crossed the bridge. I'm so very happy that I have left the state. West Virginia (mostly just Huntington to my WV loving friends!), you stink. As I don't expect to live in the area more than another year (or so, no rush) It's good to know for the remainder of my time here, I will once again be a Kentucky lady.

Even though I have to return back to Huntington every day, it doesn't feel the same. It feels good, really good, to think "I don't live there anymore."

...And the Nightmare Continues

So, turns out that the damage was worse that I was originally aware, and now, they're going to have to do some major reconstructing work on the flooring which will start in about a week. At that time, I will have to leave until it's finished and according to my landlord:

"You're moving anyway right? Why don't you just go 'head and do it and we'll comp this month's rent"

Just like it's that easy.

Can I scream yet?

I'll Be Counting the Days....

Today started off with good intentions. I woke up early, cleaned a little bit, walked on the treadmill while contemplating buying "The Firm" stuff from the infomercial (my decision: It looks hard, and I'm lazy) and then began primping my desktop for the long summer days ahead until I figure out what is wrong with my dear Lappy. I even had a nice conversation with HB via IM and cooked dinner to take over to my mom.

Cut to me in the shower around 2pm. I'm in full conditioner mode when I think I hear my front door slam. Seconds later I hear "Are you crazy!? Turn that water off right now!" and my response is a resounding scream of terror. Then, I hear an embellished sigh and call out my landlords name.

"No it's the **** Pope! Turn the water off!" he answered me politely.

So I did as told and we had that awkward moment where he realized I was naked, and so did I (and that I'd left my towels in the linen closet). So, he mumbled he'd be back in 5 minutes and explain the problem. Wobbly-kneed, I managed to get to my bedroom and stop shaking enough to get dressed before he got back.

Apparently the main water line (the one that takes all the water out I think?) was busted and my shower and dish washing rampage had watered my lawn quite nicely. Plumbers traipsed in and out all afternoon, as I sat idly by reading, switching between "The Memory Keeper's Daughter" and Martha Stewart Living until finally, around 8pm they left.

Just in time, because the conditioner I'd had to leave in my hair was really starting to drive me crazy. *shudder*

That is the 6th water-related problem I've had living here, in as many years. That makes the second main-line problem this year, the first leaving considerably more damage. The first question on my list now for potential landlords after "What's the rent?" is "How's the water?".

Losing My Mind

So Lappy (the Laptop) and I are on the outs. First it was this freaky blue screen that forbade me from getting online, and two days and several feeble attempts later, the blue screen is fixed. But now, when I get online nothing will load. I don't deal well with problems I have no clue how to fix.

My solution? Go high school on Lappy's ass. Totally get a new laptop and then makeout with it right in front of Lappy so he goes home totally devistated and tries to cry to his friend via IM but he can't because he can't get online.

That'll teach him.

The Big News

Let's go ahead and get this out of the way shall we?

-So, I'm moving. I've talked to my landlord and we've done the walk through and I have to be out by August first. I'm not going too far however; Maybe not even leaving the city. If things go as planned, I'll be in a place a teensy bit south of here. I'm sort of "Adult-Petrified" right now, but I'm good. I think. But I don't think I'd turn down some strong arms and a pair of willing-to-move-furniture-downstairs legs!

-My mom is doing much better than she was. She did wind up having her leg amputated, below the knee. She spent a total of 6 weeks in the hospital and has been in rehab for a week and a few days. She has stood up on her own one time, and we consider that a huge accomplishment. If all goes well, she'll be sprung by August. I couldn't be more proud if I tried.

-I, unfortunately, have to return to my 'real' job by the 8th of the month. I really, REALLLLLY don't want to. Everything has changed, and I'm going to feel completely disoriented about it. But I'll survive. It is just work, after all. But, one can only read and nap (well, in hospital chairs...not so comfy) for so long before having to return to the real world.