A Message from the Anti-Lolygaggers Association
-Obviously, the job thing was a big change
-My married friends (and relations) are moving this Sunday
-I saw a side of a very good friend that I never expected to see. I didn't like it one bit.
-All my routines and habits have flown right out the window.
All of those things happend early on in the week. I spent the entire day yesterday in bed, reading a book. I ended up only talking to my mother, and to B, the two people I wouldn't even think of trying to avoid. It was very relaxing, but I realized that I was falling back into an old routine. Whenever I'm feeling really discombobulated, I hide. I cut myself off from the people that are causing it. I avoid as much reality as possible.
So today, I decided not to let that happen.
I woke up around noon (which doesn't count, as I didn't fall asleep until 6:30 or so this morning), and immediately started working. I've already rearranged my living room, done three loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, and made a shopping list of stuff I need for tomorrow night's dinner party. No more lolygagging for me.
PS. Still planning on writing about the boss, just haven't formed it into words yet. I did lose the list though..I'll have to make another.