Sticky Sweet


When I was 13, I had the biggest most shameless crush on Jeremy V, the guitar playing cutie who sat beside me in Algebra AND Integrated Science. We had every class together so I could stare at him in Music, Art, English, History and whatever else we may have had then. Eventually I weedled my way in, and we spoke on the phone every night. When I say spoke, I mean, he practiced his guitar and after each song, would pause to ask "How was that?" and I'd say (I'm sure while starry-eyed) "That sounds great, Jeremy". The process would then repeat.
So, when we started the obligatory poetry unit in English, and had to write our own poems, I knew just who my muse would be. I was home sick (step throat-ick!) the day it was assigned, but my mother had stopped off at school on her way home from work and greeted me with a weekend's pile of work upon arriving home. Spotting my english assignment, I tossed all my other work to the side and began working on that poem. I slaved over it all weekend, exhasperating myself to no end because of my lack of poetic knowledge and my inexperience with the world thus far. I worked all weekend on that poem, and when Monday came, I was satisfied. Moreover, I was relieved it would soon be going out of my hands so I would no longer be compelled to useless attempts to improve it. Truth be told, there was no helping it. It sucked. At the time though, I thought it was fabulous.
Yesterday evening, I was rummaging through my storage unit, trying to find some old notes from college for a friend, when I came across my very first book of poetry. I've tried to block out many things that I've written over the years, so it came as no surprise to me that I had no idea what awaited me inside. I opened it just to take a quick peek, and found that very poem staring back at me. I skimmed it, laughing, then took a little more time to read it thoroughly. That made the laughing so much worse. Then, after the comedic tears subsided, I made a copy of the poem, jotted a note, and sent it off to a friend, shares her poems (usually quite good ones) with me.
So, for your entertainment/horror, I give to you on this cold, dreary, wet day, my very first poem:

(Note: The style of this poem is called "When I Watch You". You had to begin each stanza with that phrase as well as keep beat with the original. All the words I've made pink, were mandatory)

When I Watch You

When I watch you,
Playing Your Guitar
Like an aspiring video God
Sitting, surrounded by the music
Made by your band.

When I watch you
In your street clothes
With the arms ripped off by your fans
Sitting, waiting for your album promos
like your next song.
I say
When I watch you
You rock and roll wannabe
Singing you favorite song
As you hear it on the radio

I stand up
Through your destruction
I stand up.

The crush on Jeremy V faded soon after this was written. It was but a distant memory when a year later, my best friend, a newcomer to the area, acquired the same spark in her that I recognized instantly. When she hit me up for his number, I slid it to her, but told her not to bother. He was unattainable. The reality wasn't quite as good as the dream. Maybe my horrible prose had something to do with lifing the spellbinding fog. Maybe it was the discovery that all the times he came to class sniffing, it wasn't because he had a cold. It still, even after all these years, isn't because he's got a cold. Now, he's a little duller around the edges though. He didn't become a rock star, last I heard, he gave up school to work at a music store in my hometown, giving lessons.

Now, I must go theive the rest of the pumpkins out of the candy corn mix that's perched in a dish in my hallway.

Trout SuperShow

Everyone needs a copy of Preoccupied Pipers' "The Trout Supershow" I had the luck of hearing it last week at a friend's house, but completely forgot about it until I spotted the plug. I had intended on going out and searching for it today, but the with the rain falling so hard, and being the dilatory creature I am, I decided to put if off until tomorrow. After I track it down though, borrowing, as well as staring at the shiny packaging will be permitted.

True to the review posted at the above link, it will bring back memories of Saturday morning tv. If not yours, then the shows your parents forced you to watch from their childhoods. It reminded me more of H.R. Puffenstuff and The Bananaramas than anything else.

Get Up And Go Go Go

Whew! This 'going to bed at a decent hour' thing is having some sort of effect on me! I think I managed to fall asleep by 10:30 last night. Tess called around 11 so, I was awake until a few minutes after twelve, but then immediately went back to sleep. My eyes literally flew open around 4:30. An hour later, I'm clothed, breakfasted, and ready to roll. Is this always what it's like?! If so, I need to be the charter member of the "I sleep through the night" club. Bedwetters and Insomniacs/Sleep-worriers welcome. Hopefully, you guessed the correct reason for my sleeplessness. If not, I have some explaining to do.

The only problem about this, is now I feel bored, because I've already accomlished what usually takes half the morning to do. I'm leaving to go shopping. Waking up this early means I can beat the rain. Bonus!

Hey....Hootie's back. When did this happen?

It's A Wonderful Time Of The Year

I've been in three states* so far this morning. The common factor: Road construction. It's that time of year again. On the interstate, one worker even sort of jumped out in front of my car to brush something with a push broom, when I happend to be just yards away. What won't some people do for their jobs? If it was something sharp though, thanks!

The weather has been so nice this week. I just can't keep from smiling because I know what's to come.

It hasn't hurt my mood a bit that I've already seen a few signs of the coming season.
-A handful of leaves turning green to gold.
-The Better Homes and Gardens Halloween issue
-A surplus of Candy corn
-Mrs. H driving her pearl pink Mary Kay chevelle around the neighborhood.
-Chilly mornings that make you consider wearing a jacket
-The first printing of Apple Day flyers showing up in my post office box
-The mysterious old woman who never seems to poke her head outside, sitting on her porch in the early morning hours, reading the paper.
-The changing of the clothes in storefronts

It won't be long now....

*I can be in KY or OH in about 5 minutes

Title Goes Here

This weekend has been pretty eventful and an "I haven't done anything of interest in so long that at this point, anything is interesting" sort of way. Friday, consisted of a HUGE fight with my mother (the "YIKES!" kind). Later, in the evening,my friend Tessa and her son Lucas came to spend the weekend. We ended up going to the mall where I was caught reading on a bench, while waiting for them in a toy store. The woman who sat down next to me initiated a converstation. Turns out she the head librarian (I think they're called that) at a local library.
She and I dicussed books for a while, and as she was leaving she mentioned to me she was in need of three new people, in her district. She suggested I fill out an application and handed me a card with a link to the form on it. I think I'm going to do it. Even though I've been the rear end of many 'naughty librarian' and 'old lady with 1,000 cats" jokes since I first made mention of it, I still think I may go for it. Who knows?
Saturday was spent by first getting up dangerously early to make cookies and breakfast burritos for 15 people, then rushing it all over to book club where I commenced to speak for nearly two hours while, sleeping. I took Tessa with me, who being the meanace that she is, sat in the front row, mocking me until I had to call a break so I could run and do a stealth-laugh (the people in my group are all older than I and I didn't want them thinking I was rude). Then after that, more shopping and general hanging around. Saturday night, however, was a different story. Around 1am, after her son had (FINALLY) fallen asleep, Tessa and I popped in a movie. Half way through, I made my way to the kitchen to make popcorn, and through my window, I saw two police vehicles a couple of doors down from mine. The tenants of this house, as well as what appeared to be most of it's contents were spilling out onto the sidewalk. I killed the lights, and we pulled chairs up to my window, and commenced watching the action. At first we thought we were witnessing an infamous meth bust, but turned out, we were out of luck.I'm not completely sure what actually happend, but speculating about what was going on was definately entertaining. I'm pretty sure someone just kicked their boyfriend out and was having trouble removing him though. No one was arrested.
Sunday, after my guests went home, was recovery/catch up day.
Today I received a call from the owners of the building that the craft shop used to be in. They apparantly haven't been able to reach my ex-boss (since May!) and have been unable to attain her back rent payments, so they are going to sell off the stuff that's left in the store. The woman who called said she had heard I was possibly interested in some of the items and that I could have first pick. I'm refusing to buy anything on principle alone, but I'm also passing word along to anyone who might be interested. Soooo..if anyone needs any super nice, really cheap paintings/artwork, christmas decorations, or sport stuff, let me know. I'm not sure what else has been left behind, but I'm going to have to go look this week for a friend, so I'll be happy to make a list. Mrs. S, that goes for the painting you liked too.

Music Roundup

When I listen to Rock 105 between the hours of 10pm-12am it gives me the urge to drink a dirty beer while grilling burgers in a stained white tank top. And possible write a song that will get me a spot on Monster Ballads.

When I listen to Rock 105 after 1am, it makes me want to go find a mosh pit in the middle of my high school gym and kick the crap out of some guy who just scuffed my already worn out vans. I must have just heard a Nirvana song.

Interesting mix, I think.

On a side note, this morning, I saw the new video from the Backstreet Boys. I have no clue what it's called, but they're made up like aging rock stars. It caused me to look at my tv with my eyebrows raised dangerously high, mouth hanging open for 3 to 3.5 minutes.

Starting Over

I'm a lot of things that I didn't used to be. Yeah, I'm aware of the whole "Things are changing, you're getting older" arguement, but when I try to use that justification, the new me comes smashing down like a Nun's ruler on a Catholic boy's knuckles, giving me a smart "Blah blah blah" echo to ponder.
When did I become so predictable? At this point, a stranger knows me better than I know myself. My general attitude leaves something to be desired. Much has changed in the last year. Bonds were made,some unraveling almost as fast. I finally figured out my mom is both right and wrong all bundled in a Betty White-esque package. I realized my family isn't what I once thought it was. That's partly my fault.
I've got so many things I would like to do. I've lay awake most nights, just planning a direction for myself. It seems my drive has disappeared though, because I'm as close to those plans as I am to the North Pole. My brain is a toasted marshmallow. Seemingly stable on the outside, but one little push, and it turns to mush.
There's been putdowns, letdowns, and all around breakdowns. Fighting, making up, and breaking up. Trauma and drama and everything in between. As the old addage says, there is no going back, only looking forward.
Even though January first is a few monthes away, I raise my glass of Diet Coke. Here's to a better year.

Annoy Your Boss

Why don't you take a few hours out of your work day and make your own koleidoscope.

Or if you just want a light-hearted chuckle, you could go to google and type in"Business in the front, party in the back" and click the images tab.

At this point, you probably need a little brain stimuli, so why don't you enhance your mind with a little knowledge about the presidents of our country. You should start with good ole' George Washington. matter what end you start on, you're going to wind up getting a George W. Interesting...

Odds N' Ends

-I wrote a country song in my sleep last night. At least, I was nearly asleep. It was about losing a house key, and having to wait for someone to bring it to the person, and then how the singer felt about that person. I remembered them as I said them in my head, and they seemed pretty good, but then, I woke up laughing as I realized I'd cast the singer as the big singing apple guy from the F.O.L. commercials. I guess that told me how they REALLY were.
-I've been stood up two times in just as many days by the same person. Same thing happend last weekend. I wonder, how many chance do you give someone, before you give up on them completely? Do the rules change, if it's your best friend? Plans have been made for a game this coming Friday, but I'm going to bet my money on a rainout. -I haven't watched a single cartoon in nearly 48 hours. Maybe I'm going to be okay after all. :P My mom can stop looking for a Spongebob awareness support group now. -But, I have been playing The Sims nearly non stop since last night. I'm a huge dork for it, but I love it! -I received a card/letter in the mail last Thursday. I haven't been able to bring myself to open it yet. I'm using it for a bookmark as we speak. Most likely, it will stay there. It's probably better anyway.
I'm restless. Guess I'll be moseying back to my game now.


In honor of Mandy's wanderlust, I bring you this.

Just take the quiz (link on the upper right) and this little gem will give you 25 places you'd probably like to live. I took it, and a few of the results were places I've actually been and LOVED. It looked promising.

As a bonus, I give you 20 Great American Road Trips in case a short jaunt is more to your liking.

Doing This For The Last Time

Laying on a blanket in my backyard, I hear the high-ptched giggles of kids still amazed by the darkness. For them, it's a magical time, about feeling brave, for being up late, with their actions covered in shadow. Some even dare to cross the street when they're sure mom and dad are hovering in front of the television.
I'm staring up at the stars, letting my mind flit wherever it may go, occassionally reaching up to cup a lightning bug that's flown too close in my hand. I watch it light for a while, then send it on it's way. As I'm mulling, my neighbor's dog, Sammy (you will know him as Butch), meanders over, licks my check and plops his old bones next to mine. I reach over and give him a pat on the back, and get an affectionate growl in return.
I wonder, why can't everything be that easy? Not even everything really, just people. Why can't we just tell each other what we want? How something feels? What one person needs from another? I can't understand why so much precious time is spent trying to figure these things out, desperately seacrching for clues, being out own detectives. And, why on those rare occassions that we hear what we thought we wanted, we only find that it wasn't what we expected? Then, we talk ourselves out of the fact we ever heard it.
I've never been an asker. I've been an assumer and a runner. I'll get an idea tugging at the back of my mind and it won't let go until I've done or said something (usually something screwy) about it. Once I've decided that things aren't the way they 'used to' be, I turn tail. Then, it's too late. Everything's shifterd to the wrong place. And there's no going back from that.
I whisper all these hypothesis to the stars as I continues to let my mind wander. I startle myself , when out of the silence come the murmer of my own voice.
"Things will never be the same" I say, as the stars I had been focusing on grow blurry.
I let my words seep in for a moment, then shake my head, and blink my eyes to refocus. I trace the patterns of The Big and Little Dippers with my finger, and realize that Lyra looks like a Jesus fish. Then I stand, shake my blanket off and head in for the night.

And before I sleep, I write my question on the smallest scrap of paper it will fit on, then tape it in the utmost corner of my closet.
It may not be the resolution I'm craving, but it's a start. Now comes the hard part...

Musically accurate lyrics tonight:
"Time is never time at all
You can never ever leave without leaving a piece of youth
And our lives are forever changed
We will never be the same
The more you change the less you feel
Believe, believe in me, believe"-Smashing Pumpkins "Tonight, Tonight"

Bundle O' Nerves

Please enjoy the following links while I'm gone the next couple of days:

Porn In Potter?

-Proof that reading anything out of context will make you blush. Comical at best.

Not Lame Recordings
-I can't remember if I've linked this before, but I LOVE this place.

Wacky words

-A.K.A Mad Libs

-I played with these waaay too long earlier.
An Example:
"If I were President, I would choose my Greasy friend Sandy as Vice-President. On weekends we would invite all our dogs over for a big party at the White House, except I'd rename it the hard House. I would be able to ride in the presidential Tunnel and visit cold places like New York and Ant Hill. When I got there I would meet the toys who lived there. No one could tell me when it was time to Run or when I should brush my clothes. And if they did I would say "Yo!HO!HO!, I'm President. Get the official Train to do it for me!" I would also be on TV a lot. Reporters would tell how I tripped with Cap'n Crunch, or helped make beans with kitties. Being President would be black."