Reason #4,156,745
This is why we're friends.
Yesterday was supposed to be the gloomiest day of the year. It was also my birthday. After this past weekend's fiasco I approached the day with some trepidation. Okay, I'll be honest...I woke up in an extremely foul mood. Before the day had even started, I wished it gone. But a quick shake of the head (to get the foul out) and a mildly stern "Stop It!" in the mirror led to brighter pastures. Minutes later I received a very nice early morning text message, which set my mindset for the rest of the day.
It was sunny, and fairly warm, and filled with balloons, flowers and a couple of beautiful cards. I'm now well into my twenties, and it's only 364 more days until I'm legal for everything* except retirement. It wasn't a gloomy day at all. More importantly, it's over, and now we're all one day closer to the happiest day of the year. Though I think it'll be happening a lot closer (for me anyway) than June.
*I'm still not old enough to rent a car..humph!
Weekend Report:
1 injured parent (mini-stroke, concussion, twisted knee, etc etc)
48 hours sans caffeine
5 aspirin to get rid of withdraw headache
1 weird [chest] rash that seems to have appeared overnight
37 hours spent at the hospital
6 hours sleep
3 times I rolled out of the couch last night
15 hours of work I missed
2 very disappointed people
1 person I owe a severe amount of making up to
12 hours from now until I'm
1 year older
1 mystery puddle that keeps forming on the floor
2 slices of fruit pizza consumed (just today)
3,000,000,000 times I've wished for a 'do over'
I would buy this on dvd, right along with the "Do you think cows are pretty?" Cow, and the "I like Joe." Alien pop tart guys.
Last night, I got out of bed, found an ink pen and my 'To Do' list/pad and scribbled
"What were you thinking?"
pretty as you please right down the center. I would like to think that was something I did long ago that I'm only finding now, but woke up with a pen in my bed. Some people sleepwalk, I sleep think. No wonder I'm always tired.
I do wish I knew what on earth I was talking about though.
So far today I have:
-Semi-applied for the Spring 2007 semester at MSU.
-Balanced my checkbook (something I haven't done in 6 months)
-Managed to reference Guy Fawkes Day in a fairly normal conversation (I've been waiting forever to do that!)
-Finally managed to organize all my bills in one handy-dandy organizational thingamabob.
-Purchased the very best ink pens on earth and also "Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla" (a classic, and bargain at a mere 100 cents)
-Received some excellent news that I couldn't possibly be happier about!
-Got my act together (I think)(maybe)(Yeah....I did)(Totally did)
-Worked sporadiaclly through all this.
I heart today.
Ugh. Remind me not to do THAT again.
I had 'the jitters' yesterday. Not the good kind, mind you (though I did get those around six-for a good cause of course), but the bad kind. The "speaking at a school assembly" kind of jitters. You know how a small dog shakes when it's scared? Yeah....that's how I felt on the inside. While it's not the first time this has happend, this is the first time it's lasted so long. I couldn't calm myself down, I even napped, knowing it would keep me up later than I wanted. So I did the only thing I thought would help. I broke out the booze.
Pretty pink and yellow and electric blue drinks have occupied my crisper for a few weeks now (Thanks Melissa for the hilarious dual purpose Christmas present!) and finally I broke them out. One glass of each blue and yellow, followed by a bottle of pink and I was re-laxed. The jitters were long gone. But apparantly, so was my ability to make good decisions.
Add a little aspirin to the above equation and you've got a whole new situation. I managed to oversleep, opting to dream of vampires and car chases rather than get up. Mental Note: Must buy Jaguar.
Anyway, after defying the laws of gravity while getting dressed, and challenging the space/time continuim driving, I made it into work just a half hour late. Young Boss appeared to be the only one there. As I got out of my car, I heard the faint thump of music coming from somewhere. When I opened the door at work, the guitar chords were there to meet me. I turned the corner to the offices, and found YB doing a combination air guitar/weird pelvic thrust dance in the middle of the room.
The song: "Feel Like Makin' Love" (Bad Company)
His reaction: Dive bombing the stereo, turning red, and stammering "I thought you weren't coming in today"
What I was thinking: I REALLY need to stick my camera in my bag.
This morning, I had to peel myself out of bed after a literal 'no sleep' night and film a tv commercial. Yep, you read right. The boss squad decided that as tax season is upon us, the business could use a little boost. Tuesday we prepped, the video guy came by and discussed angles and what the commercial should include, and I and the younger boss spent most of the day painting the white walls whiter.
Today I stumbled in just as the clock rolled over to 8:00, wimp-coffee in hand, and plunked down in the couch. I stayed there until 9-ish when the office was a-buzz with a camera, a big giant light, and two of our 'better' clients. During the first shot, young boss was helping one client in the foreground while I crossed the room (in the background) to greet the other client. On the first take, young boss dropped his file folder. Take two, client A sneezed. Take three was going well, until it came time for me to cross. I took a couple of steps and tripped on the corner of the area rug. Luckily I didn't fall, but the fellas all held their breath, as I wobbled a bit like a gazelle on ice for a few seconds. Then, just as I steadied I let out what would turn out to be the best aggravation word in the universe,
"*****!" I said with all the disgust/anger/crabbiness I could muster.
At first, I didn't realize what had sprung forth from my mouth. Eyeing the others in the room, and their *shock* faces, I thought for sure I had let forth a steamy f-bomb or worse. I put my hand over my mouth as the apollogies started to fill my brain. Then the laughing started, and soon turned into full blown guffawing. Big Boss walked in to see what all the commotion was, and chided the guys for making fun of me. But, while the clients quieted down, young boss was still going strong.
"What did she say that was so funny?" Big Boss demanded.
"She...she said..." Young boss said, beginning to wheeze out his words...
"She said...GRUMBLECAKES!"
After everyone could breathe again, filming continued, this time the first 'scene' finished quickly. We then went on to film Big Boss and Brother Boss talking up the business and ended with my doing my one line at my desk, phone in hand. I even threw in the 'extra twang' requested by Big Boss. So soon, I'll be gracing tv screens no where near any of you are, but my hometown friends will have plenty of ammo for their Ray guns- be sure they're set for "Tease".
With a move in the not so near (but closer than you think) future, I've been thinking a lot about 'stuff' and how much of it I have. The consensus: I have way too much.
I remember with great clarity what it was like last time (the only time if you want to get technical) I moved. Going from a six bedroom house to a two bedroom fox hole was rough. To add to the tough task, I came a month early, thanks to a job. So I had one day a week those last four weeks to pack. I left close to fifty percent of my belongings behind, but that's okay because if you asked me today what I left, I wouldn't be able to tell you, with the exception of Cherry and County Johnson (childhood items). Even so, with half of my belongings left behind, I still wound up with so many boxes of stuff piled in my new room that day, my uncle commented "You've got way too much stuff". Which at the time shocked me, but now, four years and many shopping excursions later, I realize, I do in fact have too much.
So I've decided to start very early, with the sorting and the tossing and the cleaning of objects that will accompany me to my new home, wherever that may be. I have to think of the obvious choice A as well as a quite possible and nice choice B. Today, being one of the few days between now and April 15th I'll have free, I decided to get a jump on things and go elbow deep into the trenches.
I found myself asking questions like:
"Do I really need 12 pairs of flip flops?" (Nope, 10 will do just fine)
"Do I really need three televisions?" (No, even I can't watch that much tv)
"What about all those DVDs I'm not fond of?" (That'll be dealt with later, once others have had their pick ;)
And quite possibly the most important decision of them all:
"Do I really need Elton John's Greatest Hits (1970-2002)?" (Roger that!)
Four hours and three trips to the dumpster (I won't lie, it was mostly old clothes I hated anyway) later, I found myself glad that I started so early. This is going to take forever. But even if I can't find it in my heart to part with my Skip-It, the very Golden Girl-esque print I keep hidden behind my bedroom door (from the living room of my childhood), the pomegranite trinket cuppy-thing or the ugliest bumblebee statue I've ever seen, that'll be okay, right? Isn't clutter what makes a house a home?