The Week(end) Tally:
Cowboy-Leprechaun Edition
1 Rodeo I attended on St. Patricks Day
3 Cowboys I spotted not wearing green
1 Green beer consumed (my first-more on that later)
2 Tequila Sunrises that finally washed away the taste of green beer
1 1/2 'Leprechaun" movies viewed at 1am
1 Birthday party missed
2 Times I chose sleeping in over going to the gym
2 Times work MORE than made up for it
3 Headaches
7 aspirin
1 Thing I really didn't want to do, done
4 Times I used the word "Diamonds"
2 Times 'diamonds' was prefaced with the word 'fucking'
17 Digital cameras viewed
0 Purchased (yet)
3 Times I referred to a group of people as 'y'all' (which I never do-at least I didn't say 'you'ens')
1 New song taught by fabulous guitar teacher (which I've picked up again...for now)
0% Chance I'll remember by this time next week
2 Times yelling "Rock N' Roll!!" outside my place with Best Friend upon hearing little drummer boy lay it down.
3 Dreams I remember, that I'd much rather not
1 Carefully laid out plan for a very busy next week, which will not be followed and in fact was a waste of time
1 Star wished upon
(Daniel, after I had imbibed my 2 pre-green beverages and was STILL talking about how awful* it was)
"It's still beer...What did you expect it to taste like?"
Me: "Leprechauns**!"
* was worse than any beer I've ever had. Even the imports.
**Leprechauns taste like a mixture of lime, and grass, fyi.