Sticky Sweet

Note the choice of words

I'm ill. Nothing to be alarmed about I'm sure, but until I get reassuring confirmation from someone certified in the medical field I'm currently having a problem with, things around here aren't going to be very lively. I can't seem to get it off my mind (sheer paranoia hopefully), and the fact that I dreamt about teeth hasn't eased my mind a'tol. So, until I'm off this fence I'm perched upon, expect random links and mindless quizzes, if anything. I should be off the fence by mid-week.

So,I'd like to share this oddball (spam) email I received Friday to kick off the week. Here's hoping you have a good one.

Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 02:15:33 +0200 (CEST)
"Alexander XXXXXXXX" <> Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by
Subject:Hello Dear

Hello Dear .....smilesss and kisssess to u .....How are u doing today? I hope u had a wonderful day ....Am Alexander xxxxxx xx from Paris/ FRANCE am 49 dirvoced and looking am with one kid am a contruction engineering and a developers too ... i just want to say am looking for a relationship ....Am caring and honest man ..i love to talk about nature and makes people laugh......I hate LIE, CHEAT, DIRTYDRINK, SMOKE TOO MUCH, NOT CARING STINGY HAVE NO RESPECT TO WOMAN , SELFISH,USE GIRLS,BOSSY,MATERILISTIC i like HONEST, TRUSTWORTHY, GOD FEARING , GOOD LOOKING , HARDWORKING GENEROUS, HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOUR, EDUCATED, ENGLIGHTENED,ROMANTIC HUMBLE, CONSIDERATE, HELP WITH DOMESTIC WORK wishing to hear from u Bye alex

Sheen, Sparkle Sparkle

Nothing much is going on of late around here. Monday was spent on the golf course with YB (I was technically 'at work') where I developed the realization that I will never be good at this sport (fine by me) and also a nice little bout of sun second in a month. Yesterday was spent working and half-asleep. Today was spent working and shopping for a gathering of friends on Friday night. My to-do list keeps growing and somehow I'm managing not to cross things off like I should be.

I think I've got Ennui.
Le sigh.

In the meantime, I slapped a new 'meme' up at Where Good Memes Go To Die. Feel free to kill one too.

Don't Go Breaking My Heart...

(I couldn't if I tried)

That song is stuck in my head.

Spend four hours in the mall with your best friend and you'll most assuredly see someone you'd rather not. Or in my case several someones. Also in my case, will be one strange boy-blast from the past and you'll pretend you didn't. See him that is.

Your fortune cookie at the place in the mall (whatever it's called) will be oddly accurate, simply stating: "Follow your instincts" which is the one thing you can't seem to do right now.

On the bright side you will storm Bath and Body Works big sale. Take no prisoners.

(Right from the start, I gave you my heart....)

So, this past week has kind of sucked personally. Too much time to think, I believe. Too much dwelling when I'm supposed to be 'so over that', Too tired of saying "It's okay...." to even believe it myself anymore, too many decisions that weren't mine to make (seriously kid, you're driving me fucking nuts.), too many silences filled with glazed-over faraway looks. Too much hairspray.

I'm sad

(whoo-hoo nobody knows it)

Lock Up Your Daughter, Lock Up Your Wife

He's baaa-aack. The creepy German snuck up on me this morning to show off his new tattoo. I ran away when he showed it to my landlord (whom I had been talking to).



It's Here!

So I was rudely awakened by the phone at 8:45am (don't you know it's my day to sleep in!?) this morning. Luckily it was the guy delivering my new furniture!! Great because I totally broke my old couch last night. Snapped the leg right off! Oops. Anywho, 20 minutes and one "It's not going to fit!" later, and here she is:

The 'Good' area

And the 'awkward' corner.

I left out the tv corner which holds a chair and you guessed it, the tv.

The Love Seat is waay too big for this space. That shelf behind TLS is a "L" shape and won't quite fit anywhere else besides where it used to reside. Yikes. A conundrum!

Besides this, avoiding taking YB golfing today, and dealing with TLB's "mama-drama" this week has been pretty tame. I could have lived without the subject of my dreams though. I shouldn't have called out. Stupid Stupid Stupid.

Best Friend is playing hooky tomorrow and she'll be coming for a visit (I'll be home again tomorrow too...) so that will be refreshing.

I Feel Like A Heel

New Furniture

Six (slightly painful) hours of furniture shopping later and these babies will be knocking at my door Wednesday:

Pay no attention to the plaid in the background.

A Closer Look...

New recliner (meh...)

Hope everyone has a happy Easter!


Who FORGOT to tell me that Matthew McConaughey is the big star of the Marshall movie?!!!! Who also FORGOT to tell me that he can be seen strutting his sexy stuff right down my city's streets fliming this movie?!

Add this on to the weirdest/best week ever list below.

Also Matthew Fox (!!?) is appearing in "We are...Marshall"(from "The Green Mile") as well as Anthony Mackie (Freedomland, 8 Mile, The Manchurian Candidate, etc etc!!!) are trotting down my city streets.

BTW I know where the Big M is staying while filming so if anyone (Mandy?) wants to go sneak over and scream and faint like we just saw Elvis, let me know. Okay, I'm kidding*


Plus, I totally saw my first shooting star tonight, the very same day I made plans to go to the national astronomy thingamabob, at a the best possible moment to have seen it. What I was talking about and who I was talking to were totally relevant. It's a sign!

*totally not kidding.

Ten Wishes

Googling random phrases has become a favorite pastime of mine while pretending to do stuff during the day and today's find was most entertaining. While I won't bore you with all my findings I give to you the top ten:

I Wish...
10) I wish I was unpopular
9) I wish I were a man
8) I wish I could quit you, Ma Bell
7) I wish I could fight like Roberto Duran
6) I wish I were a Rhino
5) I wish I could hold your hand
4) I wish my cats were dead
3) I wish I could shimmy like my sister Kate
2) I wish my beer was as cold as your heart
1) I wish I could gorge on porn

Kicking Baggage in the uh..'baggage'

Holy crap for crap!! The last week has quite possibly been the weirdest (in a good way) of all my 23 years.

-Best Friend finally has her very own copy of the internets. YAY!

-Being forced to teach someone to dance isn't as fun as it sounds. Even if you're looking forward to it the first time.

-On any given Monday night (especially last night) if you find yourself elbow deep in the 'bargain bin' of dvds at Wal-Mart you will pull yourself up victorious aft you find such gems as "How To Make A Monster", "Blood of Dracula" and "Nothing But Trouble". Then you will take a victory lap all the way to the cashier.

I've also begun to get rid of a lot of old 'baggage' I've been putting off for a while now. I closed the bank account at the bank I loathed with the teller I despised. Then, last night I managed to finally get AOSmell* off my precious lappy. One and a half years of nothing but aggravation and it's done. Now, I do realize the meaning of accelerated. I mean...WOW...this puppy's fast.

And lastly, this past Thursday I received this lovely Vermont Teddy Bear from HB:

How cute IS he?
(Both HB and Pedro, that is)

The last few posts have really stunk soooo next time (when I have time) I promise it'll be better. Now I have to go pretend I care about taxes.

*PS That means my screen name is no longer IM-able.

I Hope Destiny Takes Me to the Movies

The last line of my horoscope today was:

There's a date with destiny on your horizon and with each passing day you grow closer to a fulfilment of a promise made long ago

Sheesh. I hope that doesn't mean I'm going to get into one of those ninja dance-fights on the way home tonight. I've got to get up at 5am...I don't have time for this!

Besides, I've forgotten whose death I'm supposed to be avenging anyway. I need to check my book.

Couple Things

Today was a little weird. I'm not going to go into every little detail, but I'd like to point out a couple of things for future reference.

1) If you don't know me very well and I work for your son, do not turn to me and say "You're going to make some cute kids" , I will, in turn stare at you as if you just ate a bug. And, upon seeing my expression you say "someday!" the look will not change. Not one little bit. (btw, she wasn't pairing me with her son. I think.)

2) If you are a cat, and I turn around to ask my dinner guest (TLB) what they'd like to eat, and our eyes meet, and I scream and drop a knife on my foot, do not be the one who looks surpised. What the heck are you doing in my house anyway!? Major points for actually coming with me down the stairs to get out though. Good kitty.

3) If you are said dinner guest do not turn to me in the midst of my cat-induced panic attack and say "When did you get a cat?" because I think the scream and the fact that my heart could have been heard in Cuba was a clue that I hadn't in fact, acquired a cat.

4) If you are my hair and even after getting 3 inches lopped off and some new fancy-pants layers stuck in, you STILL won't do that flippy thing I want you to do, I'm going to be very disappointed to you. I thought I raised you better than that!

Why So Blue, Panda Bear?

I finally found it. Well, the short one anyway. Please enjoy while I go figure out how I want my hair 'did' for my 7am appt. FUN!

And by fun I mean...UGH!

There's More To Life Than Taking Up Space

Eh...nevermind what I was going to say and instead use your time to Gizoogle something!

Seriously, go! You didn't want to hear it anyway.

Why are you still here? Go!