I'm ready for Monday.
My three-day weekend is almost over and I can't tell you how elated I am that it is. First, a suprise visit from out of town relatives led me to frantically clean house and do the ritual 'putting out' of items they've bought us, causing me to miss some things I'd specially taken the day off to do. Then they decided, not to come over because the whole family was getting together today. Then, in a span of 48 hours, I went from being the guest-book keeper/flower girl instructer at TLB's wedding to Bridesmaid and Bachlorette party planner, back down to guest-book keeper/flower girl instructer/bacholorette part planner. This is a relief actually. Not quite as much work, plus being a bridesmaid at this wedding would propel me to the "always a bridesmaid...." saying zone. Thankfully this has been avoided. I think.
THEN, I fell asleep on
HB (Sorry AGAIN) and woke up much later than I should have today, only to rush out and have one of my windshield wipers come off (the rubber part). Luckily I was on the way to pick one up at the time. Unluckily, it was raining. Luckily (again) my uncle knows how to put them on and did for me.
And just so I don't sound like a gloomy gus, here are some good things about the weekend:
-I had some 'me time' which I haven't had for a long while
-I wrote that letter to J&M I'd been putting off because I finally had something to say.
-Found out I'm no longer 'ill' which is such a
-Discovered clothes in the back of my closet (tags on!) from last summer, bought before the rampant unemployment and the physician-mandated crappy gaining mcdiet and they fit! All that going to the gym finally paid off.
Finally, at the family gathering earlier today, I think I captured a ghost:
My aunt had spotted something wicked going on with the television as my awesome Uncle Dave (windshield wiper man) and I snapped photos. Then I noticed this on my digicam after I was home. Oddest part? There were no lights on and I didn't use the flash. Freaky!