"Call Me".....No Really
Anywho, what are you guys up to in August? How about July 23? If you're unsure, Email me when you know. And yes, I have a reason for asking.
I went to the lake today: A place I hadn't been since one Winter's night in February. My intentions were to write M the letter I'd been forgetting about all week, so I could mail it on my way home and be free of it. But as I should have predicted, slowly my thoughts turned to winter and forgotten promises. Suddenly, it was no longer a ninety degree summer day; it was a chilly winter's night and we were giggling. You with your eyes closed, the sweetest, quietest smile on your face.
As I sat there thinking-and I swear this is true-the song on the radio changed from "Give Me Three Steps" to "The Boys Are Back In Town". I gasped, feeling the wet trail weaving its way down my cheeks and sat up, rigid now. I sniffed once....twice and then did what I had originally set out to do.
I'm not sure why I'm so nostalgic lately. Maybe it's an unforgettable smile. Or the end of summer blues raging prematurely. Or an acute case of one too many episodes of the Golden Girls. Maybe it's that deed to an acre of the moon laying on my desk, that's been mocking me for a week now. That finally arrived.
Oh Moon, what am I going to do with you?