Sticky Sweet

This Here's What They Call The Catch Up

It has been one terrible week. Mysterious car sounds no mechanic can diagnose, a coworker with a jealous wife and an apparant death wish (my fist, your face. Be there), and the heartbreaking and sudden death of a beloved family pet all piled on the emotional highway recently. And....let's face it, we all know that when I get stressed I do stupid things. Make bad decisions. So Saturday I spent the morning doing just that.

Some of you may remember that Saturday, I was supposed to attend TLB's wedding. Thursday I ran into her and the fiance out in town and after that I started thinking. I thought about all the bad things about our relationship. Then I tried to think about the good things...and I couldn't think of one. By Saturday, I was dreading the wedding. I got out of bed thinking that if I just got ready I could will myself to go, but as I stood there, taking hot rollers out of my hair I realized it was over. I wouldn't subject myself to one more ounce of wedding this or marriage that when it came to them. I've spent the last 9 monthes with the overflow bouncing around my brain. I feel bad that it had to happen on that particular day, but I just couldn't do it anymore. I realized there were several other ways to spend the first day of fall, so I chose one, and did just that. It seems harsh now, but I don't think I'm going to regret this "bad decision". I knew a long time ago that the shelf life on this friendship was drawing to an end. I haven't been putting forth much effort lately and besides, what real friendship actually feels like a job? None that I can think of.


I had a 'real' post half written before I got too lazy/tired to finish. So I put it away for another day.

1) Last night, I had two dreams: In the first I was attacked by a little boy who turned into a mountain cat. In the second, I was the coach of an 80's sitcom style football team. What?!

2) Happy talk like a pirate day!

And on that note: YIPPIE!

UK: 31
Ole Miss: 14

Some would say that today's UK/Ole Miss game was the most important game to win all season. I agree it was important, but I'm sure they'll be up against some very challenging opponents later this season. Probably with more attitude and testosterone than this game (I'm talking about you #7!)

Big things are in store for our Wildcats this season: I can feel it in my blue blood. But, I'll say it now and I'll say it later, if they don't win another game all season I'll still be just as proud as I am right now.

Or The One Where She'll Be Paranoid Her Whole Life...

I'm not going to go into great detail here, but let's just say this week has sucked major cajones. On that note, I would like to refer you to the following websites:

Article on protecting yourself from Identity Theft

Free Annual Credit Report (the site a bank referred me to)

That article is correct in saying you may not notice for years...I didn't. Ugh.

Only All The Time

You ever have one of those dreams where you're in a haunted house and some dude disappeared and you're with one of those guys from Everybody Loves Raymond and there are snakes everywhere so you scream a lot and Vanilla Ice is your boyfriend?

Not Just Because Of The Victory Though

Last night I managed to catch the 2am replay of yesterday's UK game...

The Wildcats beat the Bobcats.

Good weekend. No no...great weekend.


Say someone (oh we'll call them ME), was thinking about taking a 4-day vacation sometime in the near future, for lack of a better time, let's say the week before Halloween, where semi-locally would any of you guys suggest that go?

Vacation Criteria:
-4/5 hour drive
-Must not be located in the state of West Virginia
-No gigantic cities. In fact the smaller the better (assuming I'll be alone when I go)


You know what I hate?

Falling asleep at 6:30pm after coming home from work and then waking up refreshed at midnight, knowing that you've got a full day (off) ahead and that there'll be no more sleep for you.

Thots: George Jefferson sure had a lot of guns pulled on him, didn't he? Seesh.