Yesterday I spent the morning like any normal twenty-something would: Watching Haunted Travels and cruising MySpace. My friend, we'll call her Lemissa, sent me a link to my high school boyfriend's page and as charming as his empty 24pk Bud Light case as a hat was, it did nothing for his bone structure. But her finding him there got me thinking about my old friends so I looked them up out of curiosity. Based on the my morning activities, I've come to some conclusions.
1. We need to go to Kansas.
2. Some of my old friends have turned out hilarious and I miss them.
3. Some of my old friends have turned out insane and it's sad that they did.
4. But I miss them too.
5. My cousin is a weirdo who thinks balls are way funnier than they really are.
6. Taking the last two letters off your first name, and wearing your hair spikey does not make you a Norwegian fashion model, but if it did, honey you'd be IT. Until it does, I'm just going to pronounce your name with a silly accent.