Sticky Sweet


Going to be on vacation for the next two weeks. Well, going to be experiencing the vacation of others. I suppose you can't really "be on vacation" when you aren't exactly working (other than the writing, I'm not), can you? I've pre-taken some quizzes and pre-wrote a few posts, but only to keep you warm in the coldest two weeks of August that history has ever known.

Have fun!

Won't Make That Mistake Twice

It's good that I picked tonight to start watching "So You Think You Can Dance?". I was really in the mood to watch people spaz dance to John Mayer's "Waiting for the World to Change" 20 times.

Looks Like Someone Has A Case Of The Mondays

I'm behind on:

-Column writing
-Friend Calling
-Crossing to-dos off my summer list
-Telling anyone about my summer list (oops)
-Family time
-Hair care

I've got a case of the blahs. My eye did that crazy Mr. T "I'm gonna get you sucka!" move on me earlier in the week and decided to swell as it is wont to do. I wake up crabby, and immediately and dramatically run back to bed and hide out until it un-swells but not this time. No, this time I didn't even notice until I tried to rub it and the realization "hey I don't have an eyelid on the left" popped in my head. Something must be done. This living arrangement is starting to get on my nerves. :P


"I had this Uncle who was a farmer in Georgia. He grew everything, apples, green beans, carrots, but mostly corn. He bought a mule to help with the farm work one year, but the mule was really stubborn and it was hard to get him out to work. My uncle finally got him over to the corn field and got him started. Well, it was really hot that day and the corn started to pop and the mule just laid there and died because he thought he was freezing to death."

That corny joke is just one reason why I love old people.

...Of the Ones I Used to Know

Yesterday I spent the morning like any normal twenty-something would: Watching Haunted Travels and cruising MySpace. My friend, we'll call her Lemissa, sent me a link to my high school boyfriend's page and as charming as his empty 24pk Bud Light case as a hat was, it did nothing for his bone structure. But her finding him there got me thinking about my old friends so I looked them up out of curiosity. Based on the my morning activities, I've come to some conclusions.

1. We need to go to Kansas.
2. Some of my old friends have turned out hilarious and I miss them.
3. Some of my old friends have turned out insane and it's sad that they did.
4. But I miss them too.
5. My cousin is a weirdo who thinks balls are way funnier than they really are.
6. Taking the last two letters off your first name, and wearing your hair spikey does not make you a Norwegian fashion model, but if it did, honey you'd be IT. Until it does, I'm just going to pronounce your name with a silly accent.