Sticky Sweet

Proof I Have Way Too Much Time On My Hands

It was brought to my attention last night, that some people don't know what french toast is! French toast is a magical breakfast food that also has dinner-like properties. It is simple to prepare and also delicious. Not to be one to let my people down, I did a flickr photoset on how to make french toast earlier today. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Square One

Since the nightmare year has started to lift it's fog, I'm heading back to the working world.

Today I sort of went back in time, while also heading forward. I went back to a place I used to know, only as an adult. It's better this time, I'm not afraid anymore. It's familiar enough that I won't feel like a fish out of water, which, is how I feel in EVERY aspect of my life right now as it is. Sometimes, I still feel 17. So unsure of everything around me, worrying about everything from "Is he going to call?" to "Am I going to make it?" only now, instead of it all being trivial it's more important. All my worries at 17 seem laughable now that I know how strange things can be.

So, I'm glad I came home. I'm glad I've wound up where I am. I'm glad that I'm sort of, in a way, starting over again. Maybe, with what I know now, I can do it right this time. Square one is looking like a pretty sweet piece of real estate right now. Some people wish their whole lives for a chance to start over again at a certain point in their lives. I'm feeling pretty lucky that I actually get to do it.

Life In The South

I think in the south it's mandatory to have a goofy nickname if you're going to run for office.

Ah, Junebug, I love living here!


No, In YOUR Face!

All day long in the sports world (espn while at the laundromat, and also from several random chuckleheads) I kept hearing about how UK was going to get creamed tonight by Arkansas, and how they might as well throw in the towel now. I was bummed, and almost didn't listen to the game tonight on the way back from the old homestead. But, as history has shown, I still keep the home fires burning, even if UK suffers a humiliating loss. So I tuned in, out of respect, if nothing else. And you know what?

HA! UK beat Arkansas 42-29!

That was quite possibly the most exciting game I've ever heard. At one point, I think possibly the first touchdown UK made, some guy was keeping pace with my car (trying to pass) on 23 and I looked over after I'd pumped my fist nerd-style as I heard the play, and saw the dude in the car beside of me beating his steering wheel. He looked up about the same time I did and it was obvious we were listening to the same thing. So I gave him a thumbs up (which he returned) and then I slowed down, because, keeping pace with some dude listening to the same station as you is kinda creepy.


Overheard through my living room wall just now:

(two guys singing): "Na ni Na Na Hey Hey Hey, GOODBYEEEEE!"

single guy: "I love you man!"

(queue some muffled sounds and then the opening strings of a guitar)

other guy starting to sing: All I know! All I know-oooh......

first guy: You don't know jack....ass!

(hysterical laughter from possibly 5 voices as the other guy resumes trying to play)

Oh, boy, I tell you, living here is really...something. What, I'm not sure.


Oh yeah!

Happy Talk Like A Pirate day!



(update: this post has been hanging around since Saturday night. I'm pretty much over it now)

Last week I was rejected for the very first time.

I don't mean like, "Hey I don't like you in THAT way" kind of rejected, but more of a "Hey you don't have any skills and you suck" kind of rejected. It was for a writing gig that would have allowed me to work from home, thus solving many of the current problems on my plate. I didn't have enough 'experience' in the field of the job I applied for. The field itself is one which, from time to time, makes me think "I really enjoy learning about this" but then you find me five seconds later veering away to chase a (metaphorical) butterfly. I realize now that I put very little effort into the application process, leaving only my article writing abilities to carry me through. So, I can say with authority that even if you can string a few sentences together and call it a day, lack of zeal will get you every time. I'm still bummed though.


Oh, Christmas Tree

Yes, that IS a disco ball up top.

Even though I love fall more than any other time of year, I CANNOT WAIT to put up my Christmas tree this year. That picture doesn't even do it justice: Last year I had a crappy camera.

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Why I Can't Get Anything Done

While checking my 'business' email this morning, I happened upon this little gem that didn't get caught by my spam filter:

Wassup Hormozian
change your life starting from today and get a bigger penis!

Something about the way this is written reminded me of those goofy after school specials that used to come on in the early to mid 90s. Anyone else remember those? "Hormozian" would be the last name of some little nerd boy with thick glasses and a pocket protector and he'd be standing by his locker, pushing the bridge of his glasses up his nose, staring longingly at the dance squad captain or some other girl "out of his league". Then, the school bully, an Eddie Haskell look-alike perhaps, would appear behind him and say that line, while handing him a bag of pills. Dave (Hormozian) would take the bag and quickly stuff it into his trapperkeeper with the puppies on it, and scoot on down the hall, embarrassed he'd been caught staring.

Later that night, Dave would be getting ready to start his homework when the bag of pills would fall in slow motion out of his trapper and plunk with an exaggerated, echoing thunk onto his desk, illuminated by his desk lamp. He would then, have a 'flash-forward' where he would consider the future. Take the pill and he would be instantly cool. He'd see himself at parties in smoke filled living rooms while parents were out of town, sitting next to dance squad girl while she smokes a fat one, then taking a hit himself and passing it on to some faceless kid at the party. He would imagine all the kids laughing as he looks around the room, the laughter getting more shrill and his vision (the camera) panning faster and faster around the faces until it was spinning out of control and the laughter was so shrill it was screaming. Then, Dave would snap out of this, obviously spooked by the flinch and shiver combo he does.

Finally, Dave would go downstairs with the bag behind his back to his parents. He'd place the bag slowly on the coffee table and say "I need to talk". Mr. and Mrs. Hormozian would look at each other, wondering is Dave had found their stash, but he confesses, spilling the whole day out for them through a few tears. They Tell him how proud they are of him, and that they'll talk to the principal first thing tomorrow. Dave goes back to his room, gets ready for bed, and goes to sleep with a smile on his face because even if he's not a 'cool' kid, at least his not a stoner.



One of my earliest memories is of watching baseball with my grandfather. He died just a couple of years after I was born, but my mom and I and my grandparents lived together so I reason that is why I can remember him, at all.

From everything I've ever heard about my grandfather he was an extraordinary man. He was a good provider, working very hard to care for his wife and 8 (8!) children. But he was more than that, as few men were in his time. He was hilarious, always out to make someone laugh. A good prankster he could trick you twice before you figured out he'd done it even once. He was good natured and a natural flirt-all the ladies loved him (apparently). Even though he gave his fair share of winks there was no doubt he loved my grandmother first, loved her only.

Anyway, I can remember distinctly times I spent with him watching the game. We both sat on this big round black leather footstool in the center of the living room, smack dab in front of the television. He'd yell at the television, but being a toddler, I had no clue what was going on so I'd just yell "Yeah!" in agreement with whatever he was shouting. He was the only person who could make me sit still. I was as impressed by him as everyone else was.

I guess the reason I'm thinking about this is that I just spent the last 3 hours thinking and writing about baseball, and baseball related products for the new column. I wrote notes last night, waiting for sleep to take me, and managed to crank out eight pages before it did; the most I've ever managed. Today, it just all fell into place; the easiest it's ever been. I may have been trying a little harder this time than I have the past couple of months, but I think I've just finally hit my stride. I see some things a lot more clearly than I did before. Today, I think my Grandpa would be proud.

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The Verdict Is In


This weekend was so uneventful, non-eventful, and well, boring that, recounting any moment from the past 48 hours is, to me, likened with that screeching sound accompanying nails on chalkboard. So instead I give you:

20 Things I Definitely Did Not Do This Weekend:

1. Wild gambling on a riverboat
2. Win a round of 'chicken' on a dark deserted highway at 3am
3. Jump back
4. Party like a rock star
6. Frolic with livestock
7. Use the phrase "Well according to Dr. Phil..."
8. Construct a PowerPoint presentation depicting the impact Ozzy Osbourne's "Black Rain"
album has had on my ability to make decisions
9. Square dance
10. Find a use for all my old "punk rock" jewelry.
11. Hurl a vase angrily at the wall behind some unsuspecting person's head
12. Schedule 6am wake up call for whichever one of my friends would be most unsuspecting
13. Learn the "Charlie Brown Theme" on the harpsichord
14. Drink heavily then pass out just short of getting my key in the front door
15. Use 'despot' in a sentence
16. Deep sea harpoon expedition
17. karaoke to Outkast's "Sorry Mrs. Jackson"
18. Write my manifesto
19. Acquire a passport for any illegal means, nor did I acquire one for any legal means.
20. Give a dog a bath

What did you NOT do this weekend?
